Apr 1, 2022

5 Ways To Deal With Delays

Fact: Not yet does not mean never. Things will happen when it’s time. So why do we stress over delays too much? Why do we let ourselves suffer in the process of waiting for the best that’s yet to come? Why do we always equate delays with something that can hold us back from achieving […]
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Mar 16, 2022

5 Ways To Motivate Yourself From Within

There are good days and bad days. And that’s perfectly ok. We celebrate ourselves and our achievements during days when things are going as planned or when they went beyond our expectations in a good way. However, there are also days when nothing seems to go right and we are left feeling stressed, anxious worried […]
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Mar 4, 2022

5 Gifts You Deserve To Give Yourself

When it rains, it pours. And my heart overflows. Words can’t say how grateful I am with how the month of March started for me. Started off by being chosen as the first featured coach for 2022 by US-based Life Coach Magazine, the second Asian to ever make it to their list. Philippines, represent! So […]
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You can be happier
Feb 18, 2022

5 Ways To Let Go Of Negative Emotions

“I’ve had enough!” This is the line that most commonly precedes an eruption of emotions. Truth be told though, it’s not exactly a bad thing. It means that you are actually setting boundaries and that you have finally realized how important they are in your life. The key here is to allow yourself to feel, […]
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Feb 1, 2022

5 Things To Remember When You’re Feeling Sad

Life has its own ups and downs. And that’s ok. I mean of course it will be really nice if life was purely a bed of roses. But hey, realize that challenging times make life more interesting and they make us appreciate our random blessings more. Not to mention that they teach us important lessons […]
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If you're feeling stuck, know that there's hope
Jan 14, 2022

5 Things To Do When You Feel Stuck

It’s not always about moving on and forward. Yup, there are days when you should just let yourself be and accept things as they are. Know that if nothing’s happening (or things aren’t going as planned), it doesn’t mean that you’re not growing so stop being anxious about it. What is important to know is […]
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Start Owning 2022
Jan 1, 2022

22 Things You Should Start In 2022

First things first: Happy new year everyone! I hope that you are just as excited as I am to welcome 2022 with open arms, mind and heart Don’t you just love the gift of new beginnings? I mean knowing that we made it this far, it’s not game over for us. Life goes on. It […]
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2021 Life Lessons
Dec 30, 2021

21 Life Lessons I Learned In 2021

As a whole, 2021 was a learning experience for me. And that’s an understatement. I mean I can’t say that it was a really awesome year because hey, the pandemic has taken a toll on all of us (mental health, relationships, business among others) and it’s not really easy for a travel bug like me […]
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Build your credibility. Invest on it.
Dec 7, 2021

5 Ways To Build Your Credibility

People don’t really buy your products; they buy you and your results. So if that’s the case, your credibility is at stake. Your credibility determines how many people will trust and support you, how many brands and organizations would want to partner with you and how many more opportunities will open up to you, regardless […]
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5 Things You Can Live Without
Nov 24, 2021

5 Things You Can Live Without

Not everything (or everyone) deserves to be in your space. And that’s perfectly ok. You don’t have to force yourself to hold on to things or people which do not spark joy. You don’t have to settle in a space that does not inspire growth. And yes, you have that power of choice to turn […]
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It's ok not to be ok
Nov 12, 2021

5 Things To Do When You’re Feeling Down

It’s ok not to be ok. My exact space in the last 23 days. This may come as a surprise for a lot of people because they still saw me working, smiling, coaching and inspiring others to become their best. However, I told those who were really close to me about my real state then: […]
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Choose to be real
Nov 4, 2021

5 Things You Should Not Fake

According to an ad by Adidas for their campaign against patronizing fake products: Fake hurts real. And I couldn’t agree more. At times people try to fake things to make them look more appealing, more successful, more ideal. And in the pursuit of wanting to belong and accepted, they forget that in the long run, […]
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