What “And Then” Teaches Us

Fact: people will always remember not what you’ve done in the past, but rather the one thing (or things) that you have done at present. I guess that’s where seeing is believing comes in. And that is where judgement resides too. Have you ever experienced being crucified (hopefully not literally though) by those around you […]
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Imperfectly Fine: Why It’s Ok Not To Have It All

You can’t have it all.Otherwise, you’ll be perfect. And that’s not possible. Because nobody is. And yes, that’s pretty much ok. Hey, don’t get me wrong: you can always aspire for more. No one is stopping you from dreaming bigger or achieving more. You deserve that. What I am trying to say is that it’s […]
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be brave

5 Things You Should Not Be Afraid Of

Being brave can take you further in life.So true, don’t you think? Think about this: how many times have your fears stopped you from becoming your own #bestmeever ? Hey, don’t start beating yourself up now because that isn’t exactly the solution to overcome whatever hurdles you may have now. Remember: loving yourself is actually […]
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5 Ways To Turn Obligations To Inspiration

I always say this to people who are forcing themselves in certain situations:Don’t come from obligation. Come from inspiration. Makes sense right? I mean who wants to be merely forced to do things just because it’s their duty or that responsibility was bestowed upon them? Whether it’s about being the eldest in the family to […]
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5 Things You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed Of

Life doesn’t have to be perfect for it to be beautiful and worth sharing.I hope this hits home hard. Seriously. Having a highly curated life on social media does not exactly equate to enjoying life as is, in general. But come to think of it: why do people tend to hide the other (note my […]
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5 Things You Need To Know Now

Do you believe in serendipity?I do. And you seeing this is no accident. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason. Good or bad, each particular event in our lives is meant to shape us moving forward through key realizations and timely lessons. And for some reasons, as rain pours down heavily outside […]
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How To Win People Back

It’s unfortunate at times that we lose people along the way as we journey through life.Whether we like it or not, certain circumstances prevent us from keeping everyone onboard all through out. Yep, not everyone can be part of your #bestmeever journey till the end. And that’s perfectly ok. Know that no matter how short […]
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5 Times You Should Not Give Up

Never say die.How many times have you heard this in your life time? Whether someone told you this or you have made this your own mantra, it still serves the same purpose: To remind you to never give up. I know, easier said than done. I mean admittedly, life isn’t exactly perfect at all times. […]
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How Not To Be Taken For Granted

It takes two to tango. It has to be give and take. Always.Heard those time and again when it comes to relationships. And I truly agree. I mean I have always been an advocate of healthy relationships that are grounded on love, trust and respect. Those are vital ingredients that help every person involved in […]
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Yet can be empowering

The Power Of Yet

Not yet.One of the most disheartening phrases to hear when you have a lot of expectations. On yourself and on others. Can you relate? Oftentimes we associate the word “yet” with delays and detours. And everything else that is not fully in alignment with our plans. That leads us to think that anything with the […]
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No bad times. Only great lessons.

5 Life Lessons Hard Times Teach You

Good or bad, each and every experience teaches you the lessons you need in life.One of my favorite things to say during interviews and talks. Because it just rings so true, in so many ways. I know though for a fact that it’s easier to absorb and learn lessons through good times, but the bigger […]
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Do it now.

5 Things You Can Do Now

Not yet. Maybe later. Someday.How many times have you said these familiar phrases to yourself? I want you to take this time first to reflect: when do you say these to yourself? When you want to change careers? Have dinner? Say sorry? Pamper yourself? And the list goes on I am so sure. But come […]
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5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Know If You’re In The Right Job

Fact: Work is not life. But that doesn’t mean you have to take whatever job you have just to pay the bills. With the exception of those undergoing much financial stress and left with no option, of course. I mean seriously, how do you find the job you have now? I want you guys to […]
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How To Be Vulnerable

“You’re so brave.”“I wish I had your confidence.”“I can’t do that.” Believe me, I lost count of the number of times I have heard these from those who watched me online, on-air or on-site after giving my talk, doing an interview or sharing bits and pieces about myself during workshops. It didn’t take me long […]
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5 Things You Should Not Tolerate

You’re not helping the other person when you tolerate bad behavior.There I said it. I know I might get raised eyebrows by claiming that but hey, I stand by for what I think and feel is right. I have always believed that each one of us is responsible for our actions no matter how we […]
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5 Ways To Ask For Forgiveness

As the song goes, sorry seems to be the hardest word. And I am so sure, we can all relate to this. Mind you, this goes both ways. What I mean is that: accepting forgiveness isn’t exactly a walk in the park. At times, I even think, based on experience, it’s even harder than asking […]
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Never compromise your credibility.

5 Things That Affect Your Credibility Negatively

Credibility. Integrity. Authenticity.Three core values that I keep closest to my heart. Seriously though. On a personal note, words can’t express the importance of these three when it comes to one’s personal and professional life, so to speak. Time and again, I have proven to myself that by being able to uphold my own core […]
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There's more to life outside of work.

5 Regrets In Life You Should Avoid Having At All Costs

We only live once.Therefore it’s very important to live life fully. Amen. I truly believe in this. You see, through the years, I have seen and experienced losing people close to my heart, albeit too sudden at times, due to sickness or unfortunate events. Trust me, not an easy space to be in, whether you’re […]
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Positive Mind, Positive Life

5 Negative Thoughts You Should Not Entertain

Your thoughts become your reality.Fact. And that goes both ways. What I mean is that whatever you focus on, it becomes your reality, good or bad. That’s how powerful your mind is. Good if you utilize its strength into harnessing your own potential and pushing yourself forward as you become your own #bestmeever . However, […]
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Why You Have To Celebrate Yourself

Good news are meant to be shared.And that includes your own. Yup, you and your success also deserve to be recognized. Feel uncomfortable about it? Take this time to assess why sharing your wins with others as you celebrate yourself and your success, makes you cringe or hold back in the process. Is it the […]
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Make better decisions in life.

How To Make Better Decisions In Life

Quick question: what’s one decision you regret making in your life?Oops, I think I hit a nerve there. Ok, before you palpitate too much, know that you’re not alone. I mean one way or another, as we age, we realize that not all the decisions we made in our lives worked for us. So stop […]
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keep living

Keep Living

Keep living.This quote from the movie “A Man Called Otto” really touched my heart in a different way. Ok so if you haven’t seen this life changing film yet starring Tom Hanks, then this is your sign to finally do so. It’s basically a film about moving on and forward after a traumatic event. I […]
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Never be ashamed of your story

5 Things You Should Not Be Ashamed Of

Never hide. – Rayban One of the most memorable advertising campaigns I have ever worked on when I was still doing marketing and advertising for a living. Who would have known years later, the said tagline will still ring true? If you have been following me on social media or watching me go on-air for […]
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Work on your Mental Toughness

How To Build Mental Toughness

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.So how many times have you heard this popular saying? In my case, I lost count. Seriously. Simply because, it’s one thing I tell myself regularly when faced with uncertainty and challenging times. Part of my own set of affirmations, you may say. Come to think of […]
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