How To Stay Committed
Without commitment, you cannot succeed. This is one thing I take to heart seriously. Let’s face it: it’s not that easy to pursue goals, especially if they’re big ones. And I am talking about life-changing, industry-disrupting dreams that we all have. On the other hand, admittedly though, at times, even the smallest steps seem so […]
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How To Achieve Holistic Wellness
Health is wealth.And I believe that we can all agree on this. However, as we grow older, we realize that this popular saying is not just about our physical health. It also speaks true of the other aspects we have in our life. This is essentially what holistic wellness focuses on. It’s all about having […]
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How To Accept Yourself
The journey to self-acceptance is not an easy one.And I kid you not. Admittedly, it’s not exactly a walk in the park when you have to embrace yourself whole and love yourself fully, coming from past experiences filled with pain and which made you doubt yourself and your worth in the process. Along the way, […]
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Your Guide To A Healthy Mental Diet
Dieting can do wonders for you.And I think you will all agree with me on this. Lose away those extra pounds and you become more healthy. Shred off the excess fat and you become fitter. Incorporate healthy eating regularly and it becomes a mindful, powerful habit that brings about change. You see, dieting does not […]
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How To Make Your Personal Space Mental Health – Friendly
Ever since the pandemic happened, I became a home body. That is why when I moved in to my new space last year, I made sure I would fall in love with it and make working from home a pleasurable experience. Here’s a sneak peek of my humble pad’s living room with a modern nature […]
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How Coaching Changed My Life
Life changing.Best way to describe each and every coaching experience I have had (and done). And I kid you not. However, had you asked me 6 years ago, I would have looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. Haha! Seriously, I had no idea of what coaching was then. The only knowledge I had about […]
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Why You Are In Your Current Space
You are exactly where you’re meant to be.So true. However, let’s all be mindful enough that not all spaces are as comfortable as the other. Life is that unpredictable after all. Given that, you don’t really have to over react when you find yourself in a space that initially may seem not of your liking. […]
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When It’s Not Too Much
Whether you do good or do bad, people will always judge you. And that’s a fact. However, due to the pressure from everyone surrounding you, at times you end up judging yourself. And that’s not exactly a beautiful experience to be caught up in. Because first things first: at the end of the day, you […]
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How To Create New Opportunities For Yourself
You can design (and re-design) your own life time and again. And that’s a fact. You have the power to make things happen, to work on things under your control and let go of all those beyond it. You can always reach out for help and choose to start all over again, regardless of what […]
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The Golden Rules When Asking For Favors
Favors can make or break relationships.This is just my take. I mean, I bet you guys have experienced having people approach you for favors and vice versa. Don’t get me wrong, that’s normal. After all, no man is an island and a helping hand will always be welcome. However, admittedly, asking, giving and receiving favors […]
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5 Risks Worth Taking
You wouldn’t know unless you try. So true. Sadly though, easier said than done. I mean, admittedly, there are lots of things to consider when making life-changing decisions as part of you becoming your own #bestmeever . And some of those things can be quite nerve-wracking and downright scary. It’s not easy to take a […]
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How To Be Content With What You Have In Life
The more, the merrier, as they say.I say: True for some, but not for all. You see at times, less can be more and having enough is a blessing by itself. The things we normally forget because we keep on comparing ourselves to others, trying to live up to society’s expectations and wanting to look […]
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