The journey to self-acceptance is not an easy one.
And I kid you not.
Admittedly, it’s not exactly a walk in the park when you have to embrace yourself whole and love yourself fully, coming from past experiences filled with pain and which made you doubt yourself and your worth in the process.
Along the way, those triggers can wreck havoc in your own mental health and over all-wellbeing. And that’s exactly the space we want to avoid at all costs.
However, we must bear in mind this important reminder: self-acceptance is a super power. It’s something that will allow us to push further in life, no matter what happens and it helps anchor us to what matters most at the end of the day and not be swayed by the judgments of others (and our own too).
Seeing the value of self-acceptance in our personal journey towards our own #bestmeever , I believe that commitment to personal growth and happiness is key. Something which can be made possible if one is totally clear with his own set of values, experiences and beliefs.
Comparing yourself with others make you feel something is lacking or something is wrong with you, which isn’t exactly the case to begin with. Respect the fact that we all have different journeys and levels of success so there’s no point in comparing. Learn to be comfortable in your own space as you grow at your own pace. Remember, wherever you are right now in life is where you’re meant to be. And there’s nothing wrong with that because that space is preparing you for better days ahead. P.S. Nobody’s perfect so stop looking at others as if they were.
2. Acknowledge your progress
No matter how small it may seem at a glance, acknowledge every step forward that you’ve made because that brings you closer to your goals. Try to reflect on your journey and celebrate how far you’ve gone. You may not be at the finish line yet and that’s ok. In time, with your commitment to yourself and your growth, you’ll make it. Know that if you’re doing the best that you can, with all that you have, that’s more than enough. Learn to be comfortable with being a work in progress. You’re doing a good job just being yourself.
3. Highlight your strengths
There’s something special about you and it’s up to you to turn your potential into something great. Do an inventory of your skills or what you’re good at. What do people compliment you about? Work on them. Share them to the rest of the world. There will always be a space for you to share yourself and your gifts so never disregard your own valuable existence.
4. Practice self-compassion
Forgive yourself for whatever shortcomings you may had, for expectations about yourself that weren’t met, for flaws that life may have pointed out to you in the process. Stop blaming yourself for things beyond your control. Remember, being unkind to yourself won’t ever resolve your problem on hand. Working around your “flaws” and seeing the good within as you affirm yourself, will.
5. Do away with assumptions
Don’t let your non-existent worries get in the way of loving yourself more. Remember, the only thing that’s sure here is that you need to accept yourself fully so you can maximize your potential. All other fears, assumptions shouldn’t matter. You can’t control the reactions of others or the circumstances surrounding you. What you can control though is how you respond to them coming from your authentic, empowered self born from full self-acceptance. Note that you spend the same amount of energy focusing on what went wrong and not getting any better in the process, and in focusing on what can go right and allow your hope to pull you through. Choose what’s best for you in the long run.
Self-acceptance is a choice we have to make every single day.
And hopefully, as you remember these tips, you commit to that fully.
Because you deserve to choose yourself over and over again.
As you are. And all that you will ever be.
Dieting can do wonders for you.
And I think you will all agree with me on this.
Lose away those extra pounds and you become more healthy.
Shred off the excess fat and you become fitter.
Incorporate healthy eating regularly and it becomes a mindful, powerful habit that brings about change.
You see, dieting does not affect one physically, but rather helps one also to have better self-perceptions and healthier habits that bring about confidence, accountability and self-worth.
And like how your personal space affects your mental health, your diet also does the same thing. Eating healthily and mindfully helps your brain function better which then allows you to be at your best always.
So now, imagine if you can also have a healthy mental diet so that you can remain mentally fit. How different will your life be then if you are not overwhelmed by worries, anxieties or stress? Probably your life will be a thousand, or even a million times better. Haha!
Well, your prayers have been answered because now, I will share with you your guide to a healthy mental diet. Thank me later guys. haha!
But before we begin, allow me to introduce you to this premise of dieting: when dieting, there are things (food and habits) you need to consider: what you need to totally stop, what you can do less of, what you need to pause first, what you can do more of and what you should finally go for. A whole lot of work but hey, taking responsibility for yourself and your growth is part of you becoming your own #bestmeever so might as well commit to it.
Let’s apply the same concept to your healthy mental diet for better understanding.
This is one of the biggest, if not the biggest source of anxiety and worries among individuals because it puts unnecessary pressure and emotional and mental burden on a person who thinks that he/she is falling behind in life. This is not particularly true because everyone is ALLOWED to breeze through life at his/her own pace, in his own space. We all have different journeys so instead of complaining about what others have or don’t have, why not just focus on yourself and your growth? Living life was never meant on anyone else’s standards other than your own. Don’t let the lives of others make you feel that you have less in life. You don’t know what happens behind what they are showing to the rest of the world. For all you know, you might actually be doing so much better than you thought. Give yourself more credit. And respect your own personal journey.
2. What you need to lessen: your time on social media
Stop escaping reality. Remember, not facing your problems can only make matters worse in the long run. Instead of spending so much time online, why not try to become 100% present in your current space. Acknowledge both the good and the bad. Because every time you recognize what needs work and act on it, you allow yourself to grow. Don’t fall into the trap of having social media dictate what kind of life you should have because more often than not, standards are quite ridiculous online. While it’s ok to stay connected online, it’s so much more important to build genuine connections with people who really matter to you offline: your friends, families, loved ones and yourself, outside of the social media realm. By doing so, you allow your mind to be at peace with the present as it focuses on what really is, than what it could have been based on what you’ve seen online.
3. What you need to pause: your own expectations
Hurrying through life thinking there’s a deadline or an exact timeline to follow will only make you more anxious and sad if you’re not able to live up to your own expectations (and that of others too). Well now, allow yourself to breathe by just letting yourself be, going and growing with the flow, without the need to hurry or beat yourself up because of your own expectations. Know that whatever it is that you’ve been through or going through as of the moment, those are leading you to where you’re meant to be. So be patient with your own journey and be grateful for the space you’re in. And yes, you don’t need to get married at 25, have a family before 30, be a millionaire at 35 or retire at 40. You can live life and appreciate it for what it is, not based on how you expected it to be.
4. What you can do more of: me time
Self-care is never selfish. So give yourself just that. Take off the multiple hats that you’re wearing on a daily basis and just focus on giving yourself what is due: undivided time, attention and a whole lot of loving. Make sure that every single day, you squeeze in ample time in your schedule to do the things you love and reflect in between. Rest improves your mood and brain and body function so don’t ever compromise it for the sake of any deadline. I said this before and will say it again for emphasis: your work can wait, but your life can’t. At the end of the day, your wellness and wellbeing matter more.
5. What you can finally go for: self-improvement classes
Learning is a continuous process and every time you allow yourself to upskill you get a renewed sense of joy and fulfillment. Now is the best time to enroll in that class you’ve always wanted, whether it’s a baking class, a yoga class or even a coaching program. You are the best investment you can ever make so don’t ever short change yourself by scrimping on your learnings. Remember this: when you stop learning, you stop growing. So don’t even think of going that direction. You deserve more. Always.
Staying mentally fit is one of the biggest commitment you can make to yourself.
It may not be easy, it may take some time and a whole lot of effort.
But know at the end of the day, subscribing to your healthy mental health diet will always be worth it.
Make today your Day 1.
Ever since the pandemic happened, I became a home body.
That is why when I moved in to my new space last year, I made sure I would fall in love with it and make working from home a pleasurable experience.
Here’s a sneak peek of my humble pad’s living room with a modern nature theme. I chose this one because I missed the greens and it’s relaxing to the eyes. I wanted my space to be inspiring as I coach, give talks or write from home.
Yes guys, how your personal space looks and feels matter a lot as it has an impact on your mental health as well.
I didn’t know this until I had myself go on a coaching journey and got to discover how my previous space reflected my mental state back then.
And now with the clarity and empowerment that comes with becoming my own #bestmeever , I have noticed how my preferences for my personal space have also evolved.
As essential as coaching is to one’s life, it is also very much important to assess what you have within your personal space.
By personal space here I refer about the things, people and circumstances that you willingly surround yourself with.
So at this point in time, I would like you to look around you, reflect and recognize your personal space. What are you allowing in your space? How do they influence the way you live on a day to day basis? How do they impact your own mental health?
Ok, once your done, breathe. Remember, acknowledgement is the first step to recognizing what needs to be adjusted in your space to make it more mental-health friendly.
Always ask yourself this: what is the value of (whatever it is you want to bring in) in my space now and how will it help me grow there after? It’s very important to be mindfully aware of selecting only those which have real value to you and can influence long term growth and happiness. Remember, being impulsive leads you to hoard stuff (and be with people)which won’t really answer a great need or want of yours and will just be a waste of space. P.S. Not all that is free, on sale, or single must be taken in. Read that again.
2. Declutter
Not everything (and everyone) deserves space in your current life. So check on your closet, your phone book, your social media and your mind heart and assess: who or what needs to go? Because by allowing yourself to let go of things, people, and memories that no longer serve you, you make space for what needs to be in your life at present. Be grateful that you had the chance to encounter all those before and know that they have already served their purpose, therefore, it’s now time for you to move on and forward.
3. Create inspiring spaces
Do you love writing? Meditating? Reading? Just some of the things that require you to have breathing spaces — a safe space away from the hustle and bustle of the real world. It is suggested that you create a mini nook that allows you to be comfortable, as you think freely and let yourself be so that you will be able to maximize this self-growth experience. Fill it with things and memories e.g. plants, pictures etc. that make you feel genuinely happy from within. Same goes when choosing who to surround yourself with on a personal note. Remember, you become the sum total of the 5 people you regularly interact with so be sure to make them inspiring.
4. Establish boundaries
Your space. Your rules. Choose what best works for you. Whether it’s a simple as no shoes inside the living room or no bringing of work-related tasks at home, these actually help you maintain a safe space where you can just be yourself without having to worry about anything else. This can also apply to people you actually allow in your space. You don’t have to entertain anyone who’s not in alignment with your core values and that doesn’t make you a bad person. It only means that you know how to value your space and respect differences by letting others own theirs as well.
5. Tuck in random positive reminders
Self-affirmation plays an important role in the success and happiness of an individual. Make sure to inspire positive self talk as you strategically put random inspirational quotes or reminders in sight. Whether it’s your favorite quote displayed on your living room, an inspirational ref magnet or a framed affirmation on your bedside table, know that they help remind you how amazing you are even during the toughest days. Your space must be able to do just that to help your mental health flourish.
Your personal space matters if you want to become your own #bestmeever .
Make sure you own it as much as possible.
Because that is what you deserve.
Life changing.
Best way to describe each and every coaching experience I have had (and done).
And I kid you not.
However, had you asked me 6 years ago, I would have looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. Haha!
Seriously, I had no idea of what coaching was then.
The only knowledge I had about coaching then was related to those officials in sporting events. Uhuh.
Thank goodness for life’s twists and turns that I got to discover the value of coaching during the lowest point in my life back then. And ever since, I got so hooked on it that I decided to make it as my career. Never regretted that decision.
Because as I type this, I am reminded why coaching is essential in our day to day lives.
Allow me to share with you how coaching (and acquiring coaching skills per se) helped me become my own #bestmeever :
1.) Coaching helped me become more self-aware
Through the use of powerful questions, I got to know and understand myself better: my needs and wants, fears and aspirations, hopes and dreams. This allowed me to embrace my current space with the least resistance, enabling me to maximize the present moment and opportunities that go with it. I love it whenever I have chemistry sessions and my prospective coachees have AHA moments about themselves. Priceless experience.
2.) Coaching helped me heal
I think it’s safe to say that everyone of us may have a chapter or two in our lives that we want to forget. Coaching helped me become at peace with the painful events in my past as I forgave myself in the process of gaining clarity about the purpose of each and everything that I had to go to. Learning how to coach allowed me to journey with my clients towards their own healing as they embark on their next chapter whole heartedly.
3.) Having coaching skills helped me become more strategic so I can succeed
As I coach myself every now and then, I realized that one of the benefits that resulted from the clarity I get from coaching, is that I get to have crystal-clear goals and tailor-fitted action plans with timelines that lead to better performance and results because I have everything in sight, everything prepared ahead of time. It’s like having a really sound game plan way before the game has started so winning does not become a mere option but a reachable reality.
4.) Coaching allowed me to have the dream lifestyle I want
I have never been the corporate, 9-5 guy ever since. More so, I hate routine jobs and endless paper works and not so productive meetings. When I got coached, I realized that I was meant to do something else. So I quit my marketing and advertising career and embarked on my journey towards becoming a life coach. When I learned how to coach and practiced consistently with all my heart as I delivered desired results for my clients time and again, I got to earn a living in my terms: working wherever and whenever I want, only a few hours per day. It also opened a lot of other opportunities on the side I never dreamed of: writing best selling book, hosting on radio, media interviews locally and internationally across multiple platforms, brand collaborations and a whole lot more which helped me earn more than I used to compared to when I was in another industry. Yes, I am a living testament that one can live comfortably as a professional coach, if one takes his/her practice seriously with 100% commitment.
5.) Coaching made me more inspiring
As mentioned earlier, coaching is indeed life changing. It helped me live with utmost authenticity, unapologetically as I become the grandest version of myself: my own #bestmeever living my dreams and my life in my own terms as I become my own boss. Having coaching skills allowed me to help others become just that too: leaders within, disruptors and exceptions to the rules as they embrace themselves whole and love themselves fully — something which a lot of people long for in silence until they see their much-needed inspiration living his/her truth. That can be you.
I can definitely go on and on about the other benefits I have gotten from coaching, whether as a coachee or as a coach.
However, I would like for you to experience it yourself by joining our upcoming #bestmeever Coaching Essentials Workshop – A 2-day workshop to be held at the University Hotel at UP Diliman on May 20-21, 2023 from 8am-5pm. Together with my amazing coaching team, I will be teaching you a new coaching model and how you can use it to succeed in life and at work. On day 2, you will be taught how to come up with a strong personal brand through coaching to help amplify your impact and influence as you change lives with your new-found skills. For only P9,999, this can be the best investment you can give to yourself as you upskill and upscale.
This event is sponsored by Cleene, Mediplast, CDO Holiday Hams, Highlands Corned Beef, Diabetasol Sweetener, Ascof, Diatabs, Kremil-S, Immuntab, Enervon, C-Lium Fibre, Potencee and Oracare Mouthrinse.
For inquiries, you may message my public FB page or email me at .
See you there!
You are exactly where you’re meant to be.
So true.
However, let’s all be mindful enough that not all spaces are as comfortable as the other.
Life is that unpredictable after all.
Given that, you don’t really have to over react when you find yourself in a space that initially may seem not of your liking.
You only have to pause for a while and analyze why you’re in that current space to begin with.
Because with better understanding, you get rid of unnecessary anxiety and worries that might cloud your judgment.
Here are 5 reasons why you’re in your current space to help you embrace it fully.
Your life is the sum total of the choices you make every single day, whether on your own or influenced by others. However, know that the key to enjoy the now is to take responsibility for your choices, good or bad, instead of resisting them while running away in the process. You can never undo them that way to begin with.
2. You have to let go of something
Feeling stuck is quite common for people who refuse to acknowledge the need to let go of something from their past. Remember, anything that doesn’t sit well with you and you hold on to it dearly will only weigh you down in the long run. So take this time to ask yourself this important question: what must I let go of? How can I make it easier for me to do so? Start from there.
3. You have a lesson to learn
Notice a pattern in your life? Whether it’s all about being betrayed, or having huge debts or whatsoever, know that these will keep on repeating themselves until you finally acknowledge them and deal with them. So if you find yourself in the same space again, it’s telling you to learn from your previous experiences.
4. It’s a preparation for something better
I always tell myself this whenever I find myself in an uncomfortable situation. Purging, I tell myself. Growth is somewhat painful and messy to begin with so your current space if it’s less than ideal, is telling you that rooms for improvement are there, making you realize what you deserve while preparing you for greater days ahead, should you mindfully choose to push thru. Endure now, enjoy after. Haha!
5. It’s divinely orchestrated
Trust the process. At times when life is challenging and things are beyond your control, know that there is a greater purpose based on the divine plans of the person up there (whatever you believe in). You just have to go and grow with the flow, no matter where that takes you. Your current space is a launch pad, not a dead end. Remember that always.
I hope these reasons help you be more at ease with your current space.
Know that wherever you are right now, whatever you’re going through, it’s ok.
You’re still on your way to becoming your own #bestmeever .
Whether you do good or do bad, people will always judge you.
And that’s a fact.
However, due to the pressure from everyone surrounding you, at times you end up judging yourself.
And that’s not exactly a beautiful experience to be caught up in.
Because first things first: at the end of the day, you are allowed to be yourself and pursue what gives you genuine joy. Period.
I had this realization when I recently went on vacation in Bangkok, Thailand.
I went to one of the most famous temples there, Wat Pho, wearing a rainbow colored matching suit which I scored the day before, that will shame any Candy Land. Haha!
The moment I stepped out from the bus, I got mixed reactions from people there. Some expressed their joy and amusement.
While others still didn’t agree and said it was too much.
Ever experienced that from you’re end? When you’re simply expressing yourself genuinely and yet people will say that you’re too much?
Me? Time and again. This wasn’t the first time. And what I have realized here is that: I have gotten used to it.
Because each one of us is entitled to his / her own opinion.
I respect that.
However, by respecting their opinions, it doesn’t mean I have to tolerate them and shrink to a box that they’re putting me in.
Not today, Satan. Not ever. This Unicorn will continue to sparkle and become his own #bestmeever Haha!
Yes dear, you are very much deserving to follow what makes your heart smile regardless if others won’t agree. Get that bag. Be in that relationship. Pursue that career. For as long as it makes you happy and you can handle it responsibly, by all means go. Never too much if it’s for the sake of long lasting, real happiness .
2. When you’re being true to yourself
You do you. That’s perfectly ok. You don’t have to hide. Be all out. Express yourself. Your wants. Your needs. Your gender. Among others. You can never be too much for people who will genuinely love and accept you for who and what you truly are.
3. When it helps you grow
You are the best investment you can ever make so don’t ever feel guilty for taking that class, taking a time off or exploring your options all over. There’s always room for growth and it’s never too much if you choose to maximize it.
4. When it helps you heal
No one can understand your own pain better than yourself. We have different sets of experiences which require different ways of addressing each one of them Do what’s best for you. Whether you choose to go on that retreat, change careers, move to a new space — find your own bliss while doing away with what others have to say about it so you can recover fully in your own way.
5. When it inspires others
You have a unique story to share and a one-of-a-kind role to play in this world. Never be afraid to shine as you are. Because for all you know, you are paving the way for others to light up their own fire. Someone, somewhere out there needs you to step up, Do what you must.
There you go. I hope these empower you to live life in your own terms.
Because being yourself, will never be too much.
It’s a must.
You can design (and re-design) your own life time and again.
And that’s a fact.
You have the power to make things happen, to work on things under your control and let go of all those beyond it.
You can always reach out for help and choose to start all over again, regardless of what happened to you before or whatever it is that you’re experiencing now.
What I am basically saying is that life doesn’t end when things don’t work out and one door closes.
You can wait for another door to open….or even create your own opportunities along the way.
Your goal must be crystal clear so that you would know what exactly do you need to achieve it. And that means being truly honest with yourself about how you truly feel about something that you aspire for. Recognize and understand your core values fully. If you’re not 100% in, then it’s not worth pursuing. You will only be limiting yourself to half-baked opportunities because your results are not anchored on genuine, full interest.
2. Do a self-inventory
You have all the things within you to create those beautiful opportunities you want. Take time to assess your current space: what can you utilize as of the moment? What skills haven’t you maximized yet? Is there anything you’ve done (or have) before that you can revisit? What new habits and mindset must you have to jumpstart your new mission? By reflecting on these questions you get to make the most of your most important arm in battle: yourself.
3. Put yourself out there
Doors of opportunities won’t open if the person behind those doors don’t know you at all. Be brave enough to show the rest of the world who you are. what you’re good at and continue giving value to others so that word-of-mouth marketing can work for you. Make your social media properties a little more attractive by consistently posting relatable, value-filled content that can pique the interest of your audience. Go the extra mile and do the same on-ground as you meet random people along the way as you take networking opportunities more seriously because who knows, the next person you meet might be holding the key to the new door you’re looking at.
4. Be in-tune with your surroundings and situations
Being 100% present allows you to get a feel of what your current space needs. Be mindful enough to recognize the gaps in the market where you can provide solutions and add value. The recent pandemic is a very good example of how I myself had to pivot from doing a lot of face to face coaching sessions to going digital with my programs, which eventually opened more doors for me internationally. Creating opportunities mean that you must be willing to adjust and adapt accordingly to the situation on hand as you continue to make yourself (and what you do best) timely and relevant in the eyes of others.
5. Intentionally seek for support
Ask and you shall receive. Never underestimate the power of humility. Seek help from people who are aligned with your vision. Never be afraid of rejection. After all, you’ll never know unless you try and rejection is only a form of re-direction. Who knows, that can even open a different opportunity for you so don’t fret. Just go for it.
I hope these help you create more new opportunities for yourself soon as you journey towards your own #bestmeever .
Remember, opportunities will always be there.
You just have to look within first to create them.
Favors can make or break relationships.
This is just my take.
I mean, I bet you guys have experienced having people approach you for favors and vice versa.
Don’t get me wrong, that’s normal. After all, no man is an island and a helping hand will always be welcome.
However, admittedly, asking, giving and receiving favors can be tricky at times.
A lot of things come to play: your relationships, your resources, you state of mind, body and heart and the circumstances surrounding you.
Take it from me, through the years I have a lot of experience when it comes to favors, whether as a giver or recipient. And I can’t help but laugh as I recall the important lessons I learned along the way. Yep, the risks were worth it. Haha!
So now, allow me to share with you the golden rules I have formulated to perhaps help guide everyone as they ask, give or receive favors accordingly so that whatever happens, relationships can still thrive.
Remember, when it comes to favors, respect is key. So make sure you take that in consideration whether you’re asking, giving or receiving them.
I hope this helps everyone reading this see favors in a different light as you put more value on the relationships that come to play.
And that’s one favor you can give yourself now.
You wouldn’t know unless you try.
So true.
Sadly though, easier said than done.
I mean, admittedly, there are lots of things to consider when making life-changing decisions as part of you becoming your own #bestmeever .
And some of those things can be quite nerve-wracking and downright scary.
It’s not easy to take a leap of faith, most especially if you’re not guaranteed any safety net in between.
But hey, I on a personal note, think that taking that leap will always be better than be left feeling stuck and miserable for the rest of your life.
It will take a whole lot of courage, self love and determination to do just that, all of which I truly believe that each one of us has within, only if we commit fully to whatever it is that we are called to be and do.
Feeling happy, content and fulfilled at the end of the day is priceless. So what will you be willing to give to have those?
Loving yourself whole and embracing yourself fully, flaws included, gives you that superpower of being able to withstand even the harshest of all critics and the darkest shadows of self-doubt. Being comfortable with your own skin allows you to enjoy life as is without having the need to pretend or explain yourself, both of which not needed in the first place. You do you. And you deserve to take up space as you are.
2. Pursuing your dreams
Your dreams are there for a reason: to guide you to become what you’re really meant to be. So be brave enough to listen to your mind and heart about what they’re longing for, Go for it. You have nothing to lose. You only have so much to gain, because whatever the result may be, good or bad, you learn along the way. And you grow as you journey.
3. Letting go of toxic relationships
Surround yourself only with people who bring out the best in you and not the stress in you. Haha! Seriously, choose the people you wish to share spaces with. You don’t need a particular relationship to validate you that you are good enough, that you belong, that you are wanted, needed and loved. IF it’s no longer sparking joy or inspiration, it’s time to say good bye to that relationship. It doesn’t make you a bad person (same goes with the other party, if I am to say this objectively), it only means that you have learned your lesson and the next chapter awaits without them playing any part in it. And that’s perfectly ok.
4. Falling in love
Yihiiii!!! Haha! Admit it, there’s something unexplainably amazing when you give and receive love. So loving will always be worth the risk. Please take note though that this does not only mean falling in love with another person; it can also mean falling in love with yourself and what you do. Don’t be afraid to commit mistakes, to experience challenges or to be vulnerable in between — all those are part of your heart’s journey towards its own happiness. Just go and grow with the flow.
5. Starting all over again
If ever you find yourself at the lowest point in your life, whether coming from a heart break, a failure or whatever else led you there, be brave enough to pick yourself up and start all over again. Because you can. You had to reach rock bottom so that you will have a really solid foundation when you finally embark once more on the journey that’s really meant for you. You only have to make that choice to give yourself the permission to experience the magic of new beginnings once more.
So which risk are you going to take?
All of them? Great!
I got you, Unicorn.
You will be just fine.
And yes, it will be worth it.
The more, the merrier, as they say.
I say: True for some, but not for all.
You see at times, less can be more and having enough is a blessing by itself.
The things we normally forget because we keep on comparing ourselves to others, trying to live up to society’s expectations and wanting to look good in the eyes of many. Definitely not the way to be happier, if that’s your goal.
Don’t get me wrong: wanting more in life is normal. Who doesn’t want an upgrade? However, it doesn’t mean that you should be miserable in your current space with what you have. Remember, you can still enjoy the present without stressing yourself much about what can still be in the future.
That is what being content with what you have now means. Being present and grateful as you live and flourish by choice in the now.
1, Create a list of the things that you initially wished for that you have now
We are so blessed in so many ways than one. Sadly at times, we forget that because we set our eyes somewhere else. Take this time to inquire within and reflect on how much you have and what you’ve achieved since you started wishing for the things and results you wanted in your life. Trust me, when you count your blessings, you will never feel that something is lacking.
2. Focus on your own growth and journey
Eyes on the prize. And that means staying committed and loyal to your own #bestmeever . Stop peeking into the lives of others. Or if you do, turn them as inspirations to do better. and not be bitter about your current space Never forget to acknowledge your own growth because it’s different from everyone else. So no sense of comparing.
3. Validate yourself in your current space and capacity
You’ve made it this far and you deserve a pat on the back. While things may not be perfect at present, recognize the things that have gone well and how much you learned in the process from both good and bad experiences. Being kinder to yourself inspires you more to go further, so gift yourself with the praises and loving words you long to hear from others.
4. Invest on yourself
You want to grow more? Invest on yourself and be genuinely excited with your own growth. You see, complaining about what you don’t have at present won’t get you closer to your goals. Working on yourself and focusing on your own growth, will. Take that class. Train at the gym. Get a coach. Do whatever it takes to make you love and appreciate yourself more.
5. Intentionally seek for silverlinings
Your current space, with what you have and don’t have, is teaching you valuable lessons you will need in your upcoming journey. Look beyond what seems less than perfect and see what you can learn along the way. Remember, at times, the best lessons come from the most painful experiences. And that includes that feeling of having less than enough. The bigger question is: what can be good about it? Inquire within.
I hope that after reading through this you get to have new appreciation for your current space as you become content with what you have now.
Know that contentment was never about having more.
It’s about being open and grateful for what you already have, or less there of.
Because regardless of all those, life goes on.