Positive Mind, Positive Life
Feb 21, 2024

5 Negative Thoughts You Should Not Entertain

Your thoughts become your reality.Fact. And that goes both ways. What I mean is that whatever you focus on, it becomes your reality, good or bad. That’s how powerful your mind is. Good if you utilize its strength into harnessing your own potential and pushing yourself forward as you become your own #bestmeever . However, […]
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Feb 10, 2024

Why You Have To Celebrate Yourself

Good news are meant to be shared.And that includes your own. Yup, you and your success also deserve to be recognized. Feel uncomfortable about it? Take this time to assess why sharing your wins with others as you celebrate yourself and your success, makes you cringe or hold back in the process. Is it the […]
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Make better decisions in life.
Jan 30, 2024

How To Make Better Decisions In Life

Quick question: what’s one decision you regret making in your life?Oops, I think I hit a nerve there. Ok, before you palpitate too much, know that you’re not alone. I mean one way or another, as we age, we realize that not all the decisions we made in our lives worked for us. So stop […]
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keep living
Jan 19, 2024

Keep Living

Keep living.This quote from the movie “A Man Called Otto” really touched my heart in a different way. Ok so if you haven’t seen this life changing film yet starring Tom Hanks, then this is your sign to finally do so. It’s basically a film about moving on and forward after a traumatic event. I […]
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Happy New Year!
Dec 30, 2023

5 Questions To Reflect On This New Year

Time passed by so quickly, don’t you think? A few days ago we were just opening our Christmas gifts, and this time around probably as you read this, you’re preparing a bunch of fireworks to be used when the clock strikes 12. Well, that’s how life is. Something that we must take to heart always […]
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Merry Christmas
Dec 19, 2023

5 Meaningful Christmas Gifts You Can Give

Christmas is just around the corner.I hope you’re just as excited as I am. I mean, setting aside the heavy traffic and the crazy yuletide rush, I have always looked forward to celebrating Christmas wherever I am in this world. There’s something about the entire feel of this festive season that brings about unexplainable joy […]
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It can be a blessing in disguise
Dec 8, 2023

5 Blessings In Disguise In Your Life

Blessing in disguise.Sounds familiar? I bet. Much like I did, you probably grew up hearing this when things go wrong initially and then something better comes, making every chaos that has happened seemingly worth it. And almost always, it’s true right? So through the years, I think I have mustered the art of looking for […]
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Choose to embrace change.
Nov 23, 2023

5 Questions To Help You Transition In Life

Never too late to start a new adventure and make a dream come true.My mantra ever since. This is actually coming from my own experience. I never did let my age get in the way of my dreams. Imagine: transitioning careers at age 36. Starting from scratch. Experiencing rejections time and again because I was […]
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Never be ashamed of your story
Oct 26, 2023

5 Things You Should Not Be Ashamed Of

Never hide. – Rayban One of the most memorable advertising campaigns I have ever worked on when I was still doing marketing and advertising for a living. Who would have known years later, the said tagline will still ring true? If you have been following me on social media or watching me go on-air for […]
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Work on your Mental Toughness
Oct 16, 2023

How To Build Mental Toughness

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.So how many times have you heard this popular saying? In my case, I lost count. Seriously. Simply because, it’s one thing I tell myself regularly when faced with uncertainty and challenging times. Part of my own set of affirmations, you may say. Come to think of […]
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stop stressing
Oct 5, 2023

5 Things You Shouldn’t Stress About

Question: what do you get from stressing over things, in general?Answer: None.So why do it time and again? Beats me. Haha! But seriously: do you find yourself so often worrying about alot of things that you feel so overwhelmed, unhappy and lost? This is because you are holding on to a lot of things (and […]
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Sep 12, 2023

How Journaling Helps Improve Your Wellness

I have always loved writing.And this is an understatement. I fondly remember how I discovered my love for writing accidentally when I was tapped to join the school paper way back then in High School as a writer for the Sports Section. Me, in sports. Yes, I know. Haha! But that particular experience started it […]
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