Fact: Things don’t always happen as planned.
And at times, you can end up feeling humiliated.

I know. The mere thought can be so scary.

I mean, who wants to be caught in an awkward moment amidst a sea of stares filled with judgment?

Can you relate to this?

Take this time to reflect: when was the last time you felt humiliated?

Did you lose in a competition?

Missed the goals you set for yourself?

Got scolded by your boss?

Got compared to another person harshly?

I know we can all add up to this list based on our own set of experiences.

But you know what, let it be known that whatever made you feel insignificant and small back then, at that moment — they don’t define you.

How you respect yourself and how you pick up yourself after that fall, will.

Understandably though, it’s not easy to bounce back after getting humiliated.

Nursing a bruised ego takes time and a whole lot of effort and so does mending your self-worth.

However, know that it’s very much possible to free yourself from the downward spiral that humiliation brings.

Here are 5 ways to help you deal with humiliation better:

  1. Don’t take everything personally

Seriously: it’s not all about you. The way people judged you or mocked you, is on them. It shows the kind of people they are. Don’t let an unfortunate event define you and what you can still be. Remember: people see life through their own lens based on their set of experiences, most of which amy not be similar with yours. You know yourself better. Acknowledge what’s true and let go of the other opinions which don’t really add value. Continue working on yourself as you journey towards your own #bestmeever and know that if you do, things will eventually work out on your favor.

2. Remind yourself it’s just temporary

Nothing lasts forever. Including feeling humiliated. It will pass. So why let one unfortunate situation define your entire life permanently? You can always bounce back by choice. What is important here is to humble yourself and accept the situation as is, so you can process it fully eventually. Ask yourself this: will what you’ve been through: the failures, humiliation and all, still matter in a year’s time? I don’t think so. Life has so much more to offer you only if you open your eyes, mind and heart to receiving what is due.

3. Be mindful about silver linings

I always say this: everything happens for a reason. So whether it’s a break up, a failed attempt, a missed opportunity or being made to feel small by certain individuals or situations, each event carries a particular lesson that will be of great value for you moving forward. Stop resisting the situation on hand and humble yourself enough to ask: what can I learn from this situation? How can I grow using this as my inspiration? Asking yourself those powerful questions can do wonders for you moving forward as you uncover blessings in disguise.

4. Remember previous wins

Don’t let hard times make you forget how amazing you are. When you feel down and insignificant, try to recall all your previous successes before the unfortunate event happened. Don’t overthink; big or small, they matter because they remind you of your worth and what you can still be. Don’t let an unfortunate situation and the judgment of others hold you back from maximizing your potential and being your best. If you’re not yet keeping a gratitude list, this is your sign to start on yours so that you have something to look back to when the time comes you need to validate yourself.

5. Reflect and recalibrate

Nope, you don’t need to bounce back immediately. Take time to fully embrace how you feel and understand the situation fully. Hurrying the process will only make things worse. Take time to embrace the lessons and invest on yourself and your growth. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone else; you just have to give yourself the time and space that is due, which means letting yourself be and planning what will be best for you moving forward. You don’t need anyone else’s approval to do just that. You owe it to yourself.

Here’s something to take to heart, moving forward: humiliation has no power over a person who knows his/her worth inside and out.
Never let anything or anyone make you feel less amazing of a person that you are.

Fact: How you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you.

Indeed, it starts with you.

The amount of respect you give yourself shows others how much you value yourself and how you will not settle for anything less than you deserve.

It speaks of self-love and self-care through upholding what you think and feel is best for you.

Taking that into consideration, reflect: how much respect have you given yourself? How do you practice it?

Or should I rephrase that: do you give yourself the respect you deserve, at all?


But kidding aside, giving yourself the love, acceptance and respect you deserve, is fundamental if you want to grow and become your own #bestmeever .

But yes, I do acknowledge the fact that sometimes, when things go wrong as they sometimes will, beating yourself up seems to be far easier than holding your head up high.

But that’s definitely not the way to go honey.

Take this to heart: you are not defined by your failures or whatever it is that broke you.

You are defined by the choices you make after each and every fall, including respecting yourself no matter what.

Allow me to share with you the 5 ways you can respect yourself more, regardless of the situation you’re in:

  1. Set and maintain boundaries

A NO is a NO. And keep it that way. Don’t be pressured to go against your word by others. You know what’s best for you so trust yourself more. Remember: each time you keep your boundaries, you are showing others how much you respect yourself and the decisions you make. Let them adjust.

2. Honor your commitments

Keeping your word matters a lot, not only to yourself but to others who have trusted you too. Respecting yourself means not compromising your credibility and integrity, which definitely involves not breaking your promises. You are as good as your word, remember that always. Do your best always, with all that you can and all that you have, to honor them as you honor yourself.

3. Allow yourself to have some “ME time”

No, you can’t always perform at 100% or live life at your peak at all times. Don’t ever feel guilty as you take time to rest, reflect and recalibrate. You need and deserve this time off so you can fill your own cup and come from a space of overflow. Pause. Do what makes your heart sing. Be with people you love. Travel. Let yourself be. That is what respecting your needs and wants look like.

4. Make decisions for yourself

It’s your life. Your rules. Never let anyone else take over and invalidate what you believe is best for you. Stop doubting your ability to decide. You have what it takes to figure out what will work best for you. Respecting yourself means listening to your own intuition and not invalidating how you feel about a certain person or situation. You know what’s best for you. Keep it that way. And always take responsibility for yourself and your actions.

5. Invest on yourself and your growth

Respecting yourself means maximizing your potentials and becoming the person you’re meant to be. It means allowing yourself to work on your weaknesses as you amplify your strengths. It means facing and overcoming mistakes and failures and learning and growing from them by choice and by committing to yourself and your results more. It’s all about loving and appreciating yourself as you are as you work on what you can still be.

At the end of the day, you deserve the kind of respect you freely give to others.

Because much like everyone else, you matter.
Never forget that.

Not everyone can be (or has to be) part of your happily ever after.
And that’s a fact.

Each person that comes into your life carries with him/her a particular purpose.

And they are not limited to your family, friends or significant others.

They can be an acquaintance, a colleague at work or school or even random strangers you bumped into.

Their purpose, whatever it may be, unfolds in its own timeline and space, not necessarily in accordance to yours.

This simply means that along the way, as you journey towards your own #bestmeever , you will lose people around you, not because you want to, but because it’s meant to be that way.

Don’t get me wrong: I am not saying that it’s ok to push people away when you’re struggling with your own pains. Please, stop projecting them on others. This is another topic altogether though. Hehe.

What I am saying is that you must be ready to embrace the consequences of your decisions and actions as you let things be. And that includes letting people go when the time comes and letting them be as well.

This can oftentimes be hard and messy but know along the way, no matter how crazy things are as of the moment, they needed to happen so that you can become the person you’re meant to be.

Allow me to share with you the 5 reasons why you lose people in life:

  1. Their role in your story is done

I mentioned a little about this earlier. You see, the Universe sends you people to teach you valuable lessons you need to move forward and thrive in this lifetime. The key here is to notice the kind of people you attract in your space. What are their similarities? What patterns in your relationships have you observed? Becoming more mindful about them and taking each and every lesson to heart allows you to outgrow some people who are meant to be in your life for just a short amount of time. And that’s ok. Outgrowing people does not make you a bad person. It’s all about accepting the fact that when re-writing your story, not everyone can still have a part in it. Be grateful your paths crossed and just let the relationship be, whatever it becomes there after.

2. You deserve someone better

One of the hardest decisions to make is to let go of a person you have gotten so used to having in your life, no matter how toxic the relationship you may have. But truth be told, that’s one of the best decisions you can make for yourself: to let go. You have to be brave enough to end things so you can start on a clean slate so that you get to realize what you are missing out in this life time: and that is to be loved and cared for genuinely by someone you truly want and deserve for yourself.

3. It’s teaching you to be independent

Take this to heart: your genuine happiness and fulfillment is within. It’s never found on anyone or anything else around you. You have to be willing to make yourself uncomfortable as you stand on your own and choose what’s best for you. You don’t need anyone else’s approval to do just that. Remember: when the going gets tough and people start to leave you, take it as a good sign to discover how strong you are and how great you can still be on your own. You never did lose your value. They (the people who left) lost you.

4. You become more mindful about the miracles around you

At times we focus too much on our relationship with others that we forget the most important one: the one we have with ourselves. When people leave you, you now get to appreciate yourself from the core, knowing that it’s all up to you on how you intent to move forward from the experience. They key here is to become more mindful of the silver linings and the blessings you failed to notice before. For all you know, the people who truly deserve to be in your life were there all along and the little events you overlooked were actually gateways to where you’re meant to be eventually. Open your mind, eyes and heart to the possibility that hey, things can be better.

5. You get to start all over again minus the added pressure

Your way, your rules. How beautiful it is to start all over again without having to consider people (and whose opinion) who have held you back in the first place. It’s time to ensure that you hear your own voice and become accountable for your own growth and happiness. Go at your own pace and choose to own your space, whatever it may be. Remember: being single, more so doing things on your own, does not necessarily mean that you’re unhappy and lonely. So stop judging and pressuring yourself, my dear.

The good thing about life is that all the things and people you lose along the way will eventually be replaced by something better.

Be grateful that once in your life your paths crossed.

But now, life goes on. So can you.
Even without them.

“Always be nice.”
I think this is one of the most misunderstood statements our parents and teachers have told us through the years.

I mean, if you were like me, I used to interpret that as you always have to obey others, conform with the norm and say yes to everything thrown at you.

It didn’t help that statement was further reinforced with punishments when not observed accordingly based on the expectations of others.

You see back then I equated being nice with having no boundaries and pleasing others all the time so I can get the validation I wanted.

And looking back, it didn’t do me any good at all.

In general, people pleasing makes you forget your own value as you struggle to meet the needs and wants of others while setting aside your own.

This leads you to believe that validation can only come from external sources e.g. family, friends, significant others or even random strangers which make it totally unhealthy and unsustainable as you drain yourself in the process.

In the same regard, unknown to many, people pleasing also amplifies one’s ego, making a person think that he “actually looks good in the eyes of others as he does what is right and due”.

No truth to that at all.

So now, I would like to clear the definition of being nice.

Being nice means giving yourself what is due so you can do the same for others without compromising your self-worth.

There I said it.

Now, if you’re having a hard time letting go of people pleasing, here are 5 ways to help you do so:

  1. Remember that you can be kind and have boundaries

Kindness is a two way street. Give yourself what you’re willingly giving others. Being kind to yourself means acknowledging your own needs and wants without feeling guilty, so you will be able to whole heartedly provide for others coming from a space of inspiration instead of obligation. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

2. Allow yourself to disappoint others

Hear me out on this: if disappointing others means you are able to give yourself the kind of love and care that you deserve, so be it. At the end of the day, you don’t want people to stay in your life just because they benefit from you. Check on the relationships you keep — who are really there for you through thick and thin? Those people will understand if you choose to attend to your personal needs as well because they value you outside of what you can do for them. Also, in general, audience impact is only 10% in any criteria for judging so don’t worry about not getting the nods of others who don’t deserve to be in your space. Haha!

3. List down the things that make you feel good about yourself

As we focus too much in pleasing others, at times we forget how amazing we are. So it’s best to create a list of your achievements, skills and talents and include anything and everything else that makes you appreciate yourself more. You are far valuable than you can ever imagine and as you come from a space of self-worth, you do away with the need to get any validation from others there after. There is so much power when you affirm yourself.

4. Surround yourself with people who are genuinely there for you

Be with people who treat you like you genuinely matter. They are the ones who can inspire you to keep moving forward when saying NO becomes tougher than usual or when you see yourself falling into the spiral once more of people pleasing. Have people check in on you and be sure to be brave and humble enough to seek help when needed. You deserve to be seen, heard, felt and celebrated as you are. Never forget that.

5. Invest on yourself and your growth

Oftentimes, we find ourselves wanting to compensate for our own insecurities by pleasing others, hoping that their approval will make our self doubts go away. However, that isn’t exactly the case. Dealing with your own insecurities so they don’t take the lead in your relationships is imperative. This simply means that you should be willing to work on yourself as you invest on your self and your growth. How can you take care of yourself better? What do you need in order to grow more? Whether it’s a time off from everyone around you, or learning a new skill or finally deciding for yourself…do it. That way, you get to discover and become your own #bestmeever regardless of what others may have to do or say. You don’t need their approval anyway.

To know your true worth, you don’t have to please people to get their validation.

You just have to inquire within and appreciate yourself as you are.
You matter. Always. In always.

“As the saying goes….”
Followed by a quote to justify whatever argument is being presented.
Sounds familiar, right?

I am sure you have heard this time and again from your parents, friends, work mates, or even random acquaintances.

Normally this statement pops up when someone wants to remind you of something, hoping that a quote can influence you to do just that or when a point has to be further emphasized.

Take this time to reflect: in your space, what old sayings did you frequently hear? How did you take them?

Now before you start overthinking again about your response, please take this to heart:

Those sayings are subject to your own interpretation.

You have a choice to agree with them or question them.

And that’s ok.

After all, it’s your own journey. Your rules. Your take on things too.

In my case admittedly, while growing up I subscribed to majority of how the old sayings went, thinking that a bunch of wise words from someone I don’t even know will do the same wonders it did for them perhaps.

However, as life happened, I realized that by having much self-awareness, and coming from a space of authenticity, I can choose how to reframe the statements to best fit any given situation I am in.

That, my friend, can be such a liberating and empowering experience indeed.

Allow me to share with you the my 5 new takes on old sayings I grew up with:

  1. Fake it till you make it TO Face it till you make it

You all know by now how much I value authenticity. I totally believe that by embracing your truth you allow yourself to humbly accept your current space. By doing so, you become 100% present which can help you think of strategic ways to go about a certain situation as you recognize what is here and now. Hiding behind a facade can only take you on a short distance and can be quite tiring as you struggle with what is real and what is not. Don’t wait for the the guilt or shame to get to you. Face your challenges head on, with all that you are and all that you have at that given point in time. That will always be more than enough, regardless of the results you get. Because at the end of it all, it becomes a learning (and growing) experience for you.

2. Don’t burn bridges TO It’s ok to burn bridges as you build better, more meaningful ones.

Fact: Not everyone will be part of your happily ever after. Know that everything happens for a reason so just embrace things as they are. Let them (and yourself) be. You have to be brave enough to let go of things (and people) who no longer spark joy or if your what could have been(s) are weighing you down. Be grateful that once in your life you had that beautiful relationship of whatever kind happen in your life. That was its part of the story. It ends there as you learn and grow from the lessons it taught you. However, as you close chapters, realize that by doing so, you open up space for better things (and people) to come into your life. Life goes on. And so can you, even with the bridges you burned because they led to nowhere. Keep on building better ones of greater value which you deserve, ones that can help you become your own #bestmeever .

3. Save the best for last TO Enjoy the best here and now

While people judge an experience based on expectations about it being on a high note, there is so much beauty in just indulging in the now, being 100% present and rewarding yourself simply because you deserve it. Never attach your happiness or rewards for yourself to a certain goal achieved or milestone reach. Who says you can’t wear your nice clothes on an ordinary day or use your expensive China silver ware when there are no visitors? When will you embark on that much deserved vacation and allow yourself to have a break from it all? You see, here’s a common misconception: that we have all the time in this world. Not true at all. No one knows about what the future may bring. So why not just live in the moment as you take responsibility for yourself and your actions? Pursuing big goals doesn’t mean you have to postpone your happiness along the way. And yes, you can finally eat that box of expensive chocolates inside your refrigerator. Haha!

4. Actions speak louder than words TO Actions and words should equally speak as loud

Yep. For me, one is not more important than the other as they both have the same impact on people. Ever heard of love languages, communication and learning styles? It differs from one person to another. Thus, it’s best if you put equal importance to both your words and actions. Casing point: you need words to inspire, talk sense and motivate people as you show them your intentions. On the other hand, you can’t just rely on actions alone to cover for what’s unspoken and give the necessary explanations, level expectations and to address difficult conversations. And vise versa. So never take for granted one over the other.

5. Forgive and forget TO Forgive and never forget the lessons

I don’t know if it’s just me but I really don’t believe that when people offend you, you should just bury the hatchet and forget it ever happened. For me, it seems like you were invalidating your own feelings and thoughts them, making them as if they were less important than the situation on hand. I beg to differ though. I do believe in the power of forgiveness, but I also embrace the value of taking life lessons to heart and never forgetting them. Forgiving someone does not mean you have to share spaces with them and bring back things as they were before. You just can’t. There were learnings….and hopefully growth. Come from that space. You are not starting from ground zero up this time around; you are starting from experience. The goal here is to make the most of that new space, respect boundaries and allow things to unfold without putting too much pressure in bringing them the way they used to be. Who knows, going with the new may allow you to end up with something better and more valuable.

I know these may be too much for you to take, but hey, try to gain your own insights through them.

You don’t have to agree with me. I know for a fact that these might be a not so popular take on things.

And that’s ok. What is important is that you get new insights for your consideration.

As the saying goes, you know what’s best for you.
Keep it that way.

Starting all over again isn’t exactly a walk in the park.
Truth be told, that’s actually an understatement.

I mean, let’s be honest: who wants to start from scratch anyway?

Especially if you have invested so much time, effort and resources into building something which unfortunately didn’t work out as planned.

Like a relationship which didn’t prosper.

A business that folded up.

A change of career that didn’t push through.

Expectations that weren’t met accordingly.

And a bunch of other stuff that required you to build yourself (and your broken self esteem) from ground zero up once more.

Consider this though: starting from scratch isn’t all that bad, most especially if you see the value in doing so.

Remember: starting all over again allows you to rebuild your life exactly the way you want it to be, as you considered all the lessons you have learned from things that initially fell apart.

Yep, they had to happen so that you will have a clearer idea of what can still be improved in your space so that you eventually end up with the life you want and deserve as you become your own #bestmeever in the process.

If you are in the midst of re-writing your own story and encountering difficulty in coping as you do so, here are 5 ways to make starting all over again easier:

  1. First things first: embrace change whole heartedly

Stop resisting. Trust the process. Acknowledge the space you’re in and come from humility and openness. Remember: you can’t make the most of your journey if you keep on running away or fighting back the experiences that will help mold you into the person you need to become for your next chapter. Do away first with your biases and assumptions because they blur beautiful possibilities and instill unwarranted fear.

2. Stop obsessing over the past

Psst. It’s over and done with. There’s nothing you can do to bring back time. And you shouldn’t even try. Channel all your what could have beens to what can still be as you focus on the now. Be at peace with letting go knowing that all things that have happened (and the relationships that you had) already served their purpose. Let them be as you set yourself free from all the things weighing you down so you can create more space for better things to come into your life.

3. Determine how your next chapter will look like

Without any clear goal, starting all over again isn’t really possible. I mean, knowing where you want to go and vividly having an idea of your desired next chapter allows you to plan your next steps based on what is still under your control. In the process of visualizing your desired new story plot, make sure you don’t limit yourself based on what you’ve been through or going through at present. Both will change, depending on the work you put in as you move forward. Explore possibilities. If nothing can stop you and everything is possible, how will your next chapter be like? Reflect. And make sure it’s one you truly like.

4. Dream big, start small

Don’t overwhelm yourself with the grandness of your desired next chapter. Chunk down your action plans into small steps. Be mindful about going at your own pace as you focus on your own goals and space. Also, know that your progress isn’t determined just by the steps you take forward, but rather, even as you pause or completely stop to reflect and recalibrate, you’re actually growing. So be kinder to yourself as you just do what you can with all that you have. That will always be more than enough.

5. Surround yourself with supportive people

Knowing that you are not alone in your journey can do wonders for you. Involve people who are closest to your heart in your journey and let them shower you with that much needed and deserved love and support when days seem tougher than usual. Celebrate with them your progress and allow them to inspire you as you move forward in life. You may want to document your journey as well and share it to the rest of the world, because for all you know, you are the inspiration someone, somewhere out there, needs at this point in time. You, moving on, has a purpose too.

To move on and start all over again is a matter of choice.
One that you truly deserve to give yourself.
And that starts by committing to starting all over again.
May this demarcate your Day 1.

Fact: Not everyone will be happy for you when you succeed.
Also a fact: You can’t force these people to change.

There, I said it. Now take it all in.

I know. And I totally get you.

Been there. Been that.

And to be candid about it, as I continue journeying towards my own #bestmeever , I continue to experience that still.

What I have come to realize about the entire experience of growing into the person you’re meant to be is that some people will not be able to grow in harmony with you.

As you soar higher in this life time, some will get left behind.

Sadly though, regardless of the relationship you have with them, these will be the very same people who will try to minimize your success.

I have heard (and been told upfront) these before:

“Only bronze?” – when I first placed in the 2022 edition of the Coach Awards in the Best Wellness Coach Category.

“He just probably paid for his awards and articles.” – when I got recognized by a number of international media and organizations for my work and got included in their listicles.

“You charge too much.” – from a person who hasn’t even tried my services and didn’t bother reading the testimonials of my clients

“He’s not that big time yet globally.” – said someone about my international exposures and clients.

“He’s just charming and the audience loves him that’s why he gets invited often” – said someone who questioned my multiple media exposures and subject matter expert interviews.

“National Bookstore? Only ranked #9. It’s just Amazon. Anyone can best selling author there.” – said someone who had a self-published book which barely made any sales.

And I can go on and on from the years of experiencing such.

And I know you can relate too.

When people tell you that you aren’t good enough.

That you had it easy.

That your achievements don’t really matter that much.

But let me tell you this now: that isn’t exactly the case.

Allow me to share with you the 5 things you can do when someone minimizes your success:

  1. Remind yourself that you define your own success

Success is relative. And it’s not just anchored on huge milestones or achievements. Success can mean as much as starting your own fitness journey, saying NO for the first time or simply making it through the day. You define it. Never let others implement ridiculous metrics that you don’t even subscribe to.

2. Don’t carry the weight of others’ projections on you

When people try to bring you down, it stems from their own insecurities, frustrations and pains. Really successful and genuinely happy people don’t have time to minimize the success of others simply because they have so much joy in their space and they are very much secure to let others share spaces and grow in harmony with them. In my case, I always reflect: what can be their reason for doing that? What pain is driving their action? For all you know, they probably want your success for themselves. Or they try to bring you down because they feel they’re being left behind. That makes me feel compassion than resistance while letting go of the unnecessary baggage their comments bring. And yes, you don’t need to deal with their pains. It’s theirs to carry and process.

3. Reflect: What’s the value of their comment in your journey towards growth?

Oftentimes, the people who belittle you and your success don’t really have that much value in your life. Total strangers. Acquaintances. People you had a fall out with. So…why would their opinion matter? The mere fact that they didn’t have any significant contribution to your growth, why be burdened by what they have to say? You don’t have to take in everything and you don’t have to explain yourself.

4. Focus on those who truly value and celebrate you

You don’t deserve to be held back from becoming your best by anyone. So instead on dwelling too much on the approval and validation you never got, focus on all the kind words and gestures from people who genuinely love and support you. Their presence in your life weighs more. Reflect: who are these people in your life who truly have your back? Keep them closer.

5. Continue celebrating your success

Huge trigger for those who want to bring you down, if I may say. When you are very much secured about yourself and you have the purest intention of inspiring others as you share and celebrate success, its value amplifies. Someone out there needs to see you push forward so he/she will also be inspired to take his/her first step towards growth even if some people are making things harder than usual. Play the part. Be the disruptor. Show others how it’s done. Succeed even more. Consistency drives nay sayers beyond crazy. Best clap back ever without lifting a finger.

Wherever you are now, I hope you become more comfortable in acknowledging your own worth and success.

You don’t need anyone else to be proud of you to validate your progress and significance in this life time.

You matter. Everything about you does.

Take that to heart always as you give yourself the success that is due.

I will always be proud of you.
Now, be proud of yourself too.

I win. Every single day. Every single way.
Well, this is how I like to see things, to be candid about it.

Ever since I started practicing gratitude, the way I see (and experience) things changed for the better and I got to make the most of my life more, amidst its twists and turns.

For me, there are good days and days for learning. There. Just the two.

And on that note, given that choice, I always win.

I know it’s quite easy to celebrate huge milestones and bask in the glory, but truth be told, small ones matter as much. They keep you going. And even slow days are worth celebrating. Be comfortable with them.

This is just one of the beautiful truths about winning in life: size does not matter.

By embracing this, you get to enjoy and experience life more.

Allow me to share with you the other 5 truths about winning in life:

  1. Winning is an internal experience

You don’t have to wait for others to validate you to feel that you have succeeded in a task or achieved a certain goal. Winning is a feeling, and it is felt by choice and by being mindful and appreciative of your own worth and effort. Those can never be compensated by what others have to offer you (or not). The key here is to come from a space of self-love and knowing your worth that goes beyond any achievement. In my case, during the times I lost in a competition or rejected for a project, I still look for the silver linings. And believe me, there are a lot. Being given the chance to improve myself, to explore other options and to try again for even better ones are just some of the beautiful opportunities hidden in every seemingly painful situations.

2. Winning takes time

Success doesn’t happen overnight. And if it does, most often than not, it’s not sustainable or scalable to some extent. So stop rushing things. Take your time as you pour in the committed work bundled with the clearest intentions so that you get to appreciate your journey every step of the way. Mind you, it took me 7 years worth of hard work, blood, sweat and tears, unwavering commitment, countless rejections and a good number of client testimonials before I won the Gold in the Best Life Coach Category in the 2024 Coach Awards (Shout out to all those people who made this possible — you know who you are). But mind you: I got to enjoy, humble myself, learn and grow in my journey as a budding life coach finding his way as he lives his purpose years back even before that huge milestone which opened a lot of new doors. Looking back at my entire experience humbles me in the process and makes me appreciate the time spent on working on myself and my craft. All worth it.

3. Not everyone will celebrate your win with you

When the going gets tough, or when you enter a competition, you will see who has your back fully. What I learned based on experience: there will be some people whom you are counting on who will not show up. There will be others who will give you half-hearted support, those who genuinely love and support you unconditionally and there will be total strangers rallying for you to your surprise. And when you win, you will see the people who helped you all through out and those who are celebrating you (and with you), those who just watched and waited to see your results before celebrating you and those who totally disappear in the process. And guess what? That’s totally fine. It’s your win. Share it because you deserve it as your intention is to inspire, and leave it to people on how they will accept it. That’s beyond your control so just let go and accept things as they are.

4. To really win, you must feel genuinely happy, complete and fulfilled

Don’t pay for awards. Don’t fake anything. You don’t have to look good in the eyes of others to win in this lifetime. Winning becomes priceless when you know deep within that you truly deserved it. Take up space as the imperfect version of yourself and just do your best as you focus on things which really spark joy and inspire you fully. That will always be more than enough, regardless of the result you may have.

5. To win in life, you just have to embrace your own #bestmeever

Be the person you’re meant to be, not what every one else around you expects you to be or what you thought you should be. Set yourself free and embrace your authentic, unapologetic, grandest version of yourself, your own #bestmeever , no matter how that may look like for you with 100% commitment. Stop trying to be like someone else or merely replicating what others have done to succeed in their journey. Own yours by creating your own path and doing what’s best for you — that itself is a huge win. To be a disruptor in your chosen space to inspire others to carve their own destiny as well. Whether you choose to become a best selling author, or a business man, a house wife or whatever it is that you want to be, for as long as it’s true and you’re genuinely happy, you do you.

I hope now you have a better appreciation of how to really win in life.
And by reading this, you’ve already won.

New year, new you.
How many times have you heard this?

Many I suppose. Year on year even.

There’s something about wanting to start the year right by turning a new leaf.

Quite timely and relevant if I may say.

I mean, after learning all the valuable lessons from the year that was, I am sure that when you take them to heart, you get to become your #bestmeever in the process.

Speaking of becoming better, the new year I believe is also the perfect time to explore and try out new things as you align yourself with what is dearly true to you.

So before even coming from a space of resistance or fear, try to consider this: you have nothing to lose but much to gain if you focus on (and commit to) improving yourself in the year to come.

Here are 5 new things you can explore this new year to help you as you continue to journey towards your own #bestmeever:

  1. A new skill

Upskiling can do wonders for you, not only in terms of your career but also in terms of having personal fulfillment. Time to reflect: what skill do you need now that can allow you to upgrade your life? In my case, year on year, I try to get myself certified and trained for a new coaching discipline or any other complimentary skill that I can use in my coaching practice e.g. utilizing a new app etc. Whatever that may be, it’s never too late to learn it and use it moving forward. Just make sure you’re also interested in it and fully committed to the skill on hand so you don’t waste your time and effort.

2. A new hobby

Focusing too much on work can burn you out. Try to find a new hobby that you think you will truly enjoy and can help you decompress and relax amidst the your busy schedule. My suggestion: think of a hobby that can bring out your creativity. Or one that can help you earn money. Or even one that simply fills your heart with joy and fulfillment at the end of the day. It will be beautiful if you find all of those in one particular hobby. So whether that’s painting artworks or working out at the gym or even traveling, do what you feel your heart is telling you to do. It will lead you to what you truly need.

3. A new job

I have been out of the corporate setting for over 2 decades now so is resigning during December after getting the bonuses still a trend? Haha! Please enlighten me. But hey seriously, I think more than just getting the bonuses, I feel that the holidays have allowed people to reflect fully on what truly matters to them and what job makes their heart skip a beat. I will say this again: it’s never too late to start all over again and pursue a career that you find most meaningful. I mean, look at me: I traded my corporate hat before as a marketing and advertising executive to become a full-time professional coach. I mean admittedly the entire journey wasn’t a walk in the park but hey, looking back, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made because I get to do what I love most, have time and location freedom and feel genuinely happy and fulfilled as I change lives of others on a daily basis. So yeah, maybe this is the sign you’re looking for to finally give your CV a much-needed update and boost.

4. A new relationship

Ok, before you raise an eyebrow, it’s not just really about a romantic relationship. But hey, no one’s stopping you though if that’s what you truly want and you’re really ready to have one. A new relationship here can mean redefining your current one, whether it’s on a romantic, familial or work note. It can even refer to the one you have with yourself. The key here is to reflect on this question: what can make my relationship better? Answer honestly and give yourself whatever it is you need there after simply because, you deserve to grow in harmony with all the relationships you choose to keep.

5. A new mindset

“Whether you’re wrong or right, if you believe it, you’re right.” Can’t agree more. The new year presents a beautiful opportunity to check on your belief systems that no longer work for you or your mental patterns that hold you back. Allow yourself to come from a space of honesty and vulnerability so you can fully identify and address your mindset concerns. Consider the new year as a fresh start. However, mind you though: changing your mindset does not have to be scheduled during the new year alone – it’s actually a continuous process all year round and beyond. The key here is just to allow yourself to finally start seeing (and doing) things differently so you can have a different set of results too in your life.

As we welcome the possibilities that the new year brings, may you embrace the new things that can make your 2025 your best year ever yet.

Wishing you the best in 2025 and looking forward to seeing the new you!

It’s better to give than to receive.
One of the most popular quotes I grew up with.

Mind you, it applies to life in general. And not just during the holidays.

Admittedly though, however, planning what to give people this Christmas can be so stressful at times.

A lot of things to consider: the likes of the person, the budget, how to wrap it, where and when to send it….and the list goes on.

Ok, before you judge yourself: you are not over reacting. You only want what’s best for the recipient of your gift. Of course you want that person who means a lot to you become genuinely happy and feel appreciated fully.

But what if there was another way to achieve your desired results minus the stress and over thinking ?

I mean, at the end of the day, it’s not about how grand your gift is; it’s about how heartfelt your intentions are behind what you’re giving.

Allow me to share with you 5 special gifts you can give this Christmas:

  1. Time

Time is the best gift you can give anyone, whether during Christmas time or not. Trust me, your presence means a lot. There are people who get so lonely during the holidays and no material gift can take the place of someone’s good company. Brave the traffic. Invite people (or yourself) over. Just be there to celebrate the holidays with people who are closest to your heart. It can change their lives. And yours too.

2. A hand-written love letter

It’s very rare nowadays to see long, love-filled letters from the heart so receiving them can be quite a pleasant surprise. I don’t know about you but there’s something about reading hand-written letters that makes me feel warm and appreciated all over. I like the rawness of the thoughts and the idea that the person giving it to me was writing it coming from an inspired space. All you need is a clean sheet of paper (if you still have stationaries, please—another rare gem!) and your trusty pen (I like mine in different shades which don’t blot) plus a nice, cozy space where you can pour your heart out as you write the most beautiful love letter yet.

3. Something you made by yourself

It’s time to put your skills and talents into meaningful use! Draw an artwork. Record a song. Compose a poem. Bake a cake (yummy). Create a video greeting. Whatever it is you’re good at (or even if not!), you can always create something beautiful if it comes from the heart. As they say, it’s the thought that counts and for sure your efforts will be greatly appreciated because those types of gifts give lasting impressions.

4. An opportunity to grow

Growth is one of the best gifts you can give to another person as it lasts long after the holidays are over. Whether it’s a pre-paid coaching program or a gym membership or even a self-care package , all these can help improve the overall wellness and well-being of your loved ones, allowing them to grow in harmony with life, no matter what space they’re in at present. Wouldn’t it be amazing to be part of someone’s milestones? You can be just that.

5. A prayer

It’s a divine experience knowing that someone prayed for you or offered their intentions during mass for your safety and wellbeing. I don’t know about you but it makes me feel so loved when someone tells me that he/she prayed for me. The good thing about this is that this gift is not religion centric; you can practice your faith and pray for your loved ones to whomever you believe is your diving being. With the clearest intentions, I am sure your prayers will be heard one way or another. Another plus: you can do this at your convenience, when you’re 100% present.

I hope my list today gave you an idea on how you can make the holidays for others even more special.

Remember though, while you have the power to give these beautiful gifts to others, you can also gift yourself with the same, by choice.
You are worthy, much like everyone else, to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
