I win. Every single day. Every single way.
Well, this is how I like to see things, to be candid about it.
Ever since I started practicing gratitude, the way I see (and experience) things changed for the better and I got to make the most of my life more, amidst its twists and turns.
For me, there are good days and days for learning. There. Just the two.
And on that note, given that choice, I always win.
I know it’s quite easy to celebrate huge milestones and bask in the glory, but truth be told, small ones matter as much. They keep you going. And even slow days are worth celebrating. Be comfortable with them.
This is just one of the beautiful truths about winning in life: size does not matter.
By embracing this, you get to enjoy and experience life more.
You don’t have to wait for others to validate you to feel that you have succeeded in a task or achieved a certain goal. Winning is a feeling, and it is felt by choice and by being mindful and appreciative of your own worth and effort. Those can never be compensated by what others have to offer you (or not). The key here is to come from a space of self-love and knowing your worth that goes beyond any achievement. In my case, during the times I lost in a competition or rejected for a project, I still look for the silver linings. And believe me, there are a lot. Being given the chance to improve myself, to explore other options and to try again for even better ones are just some of the beautiful opportunities hidden in every seemingly painful situations.
2. Winning takes time
Success doesn’t happen overnight. And if it does, most often than not, it’s not sustainable or scalable to some extent. So stop rushing things. Take your time as you pour in the committed work bundled with the clearest intentions so that you get to appreciate your journey every step of the way. Mind you, it took me 7 years worth of hard work, blood, sweat and tears, unwavering commitment, countless rejections and a good number of client testimonials before I won the Gold in the Best Life Coach Category in the 2024 Coach Awards (Shout out to all those people who made this possible — you know who you are). But mind you: I got to enjoy, humble myself, learn and grow in my journey as a budding life coach finding his way as he lives his purpose years back even before that huge milestone which opened a lot of new doors. Looking back at my entire experience humbles me in the process and makes me appreciate the time spent on working on myself and my craft. All worth it.
3. Not everyone will celebrate your win with you
When the going gets tough, or when you enter a competition, you will see who has your back fully. What I learned based on experience: there will be some people whom you are counting on who will not show up. There will be others who will give you half-hearted support, those who genuinely love and support you unconditionally and there will be total strangers rallying for you to your surprise. And when you win, you will see the people who helped you all through out and those who are celebrating you (and with you), those who just watched and waited to see your results before celebrating you and those who totally disappear in the process. And guess what? That’s totally fine. It’s your win. Share it because you deserve it as your intention is to inspire, and leave it to people on how they will accept it. That’s beyond your control so just let go and accept things as they are.
4. To really win, you must feel genuinely happy, complete and fulfilled
Don’t pay for awards. Don’t fake anything. You don’t have to look good in the eyes of others to win in this lifetime. Winning becomes priceless when you know deep within that you truly deserved it. Take up space as the imperfect version of yourself and just do your best as you focus on things which really spark joy and inspire you fully. That will always be more than enough, regardless of the result you may have.
5. To win in life, you just have to embrace your own #bestmeever
Be the person you’re meant to be, not what every one else around you expects you to be or what you thought you should be. Set yourself free and embrace your authentic, unapologetic, grandest version of yourself, your own #bestmeever , no matter how that may look like for you with 100% commitment. Stop trying to be like someone else or merely replicating what others have done to succeed in their journey. Own yours by creating your own path and doing what’s best for you — that itself is a huge win. To be a disruptor in your chosen space to inspire others to carve their own destiny as well. Whether you choose to become a best selling author, or a business man, a house wife or whatever it is that you want to be, for as long as it’s true and you’re genuinely happy, you do you.
I hope now you have a better appreciation of how to really win in life.
And by reading this, you’ve already won.