Starting all over again isn’t exactly a walk in the park.
Truth be told, that’s actually an understatement.

I mean, let’s be honest: who wants to start from scratch anyway?

Especially if you have invested so much time, effort and resources into building something which unfortunately didn’t work out as planned.

Like a relationship which didn’t prosper.

A business that folded up.

A change of career that didn’t push through.

Expectations that weren’t met accordingly.

And a bunch of other stuff that required you to build yourself (and your broken self esteem) from ground zero up once more.

Consider this though: starting from scratch isn’t all that bad, most especially if you see the value in doing so.

Remember: starting all over again allows you to rebuild your life exactly the way you want it to be, as you considered all the lessons you have learned from things that initially fell apart.

Yep, they had to happen so that you will have a clearer idea of what can still be improved in your space so that you eventually end up with the life you want and deserve as you become your own #bestmeever in the process.

If you are in the midst of re-writing your own story and encountering difficulty in coping as you do so, here are 5 ways to make starting all over again easier:

  1. First things first: embrace change whole heartedly

Stop resisting. Trust the process. Acknowledge the space you’re in and come from humility and openness. Remember: you can’t make the most of your journey if you keep on running away or fighting back the experiences that will help mold you into the person you need to become for your next chapter. Do away first with your biases and assumptions because they blur beautiful possibilities and instill unwarranted fear.

2. Stop obsessing over the past

Psst. It’s over and done with. There’s nothing you can do to bring back time. And you shouldn’t even try. Channel all your what could have beens to what can still be as you focus on the now. Be at peace with letting go knowing that all things that have happened (and the relationships that you had) already served their purpose. Let them be as you set yourself free from all the things weighing you down so you can create more space for better things to come into your life.

3. Determine how your next chapter will look like

Without any clear goal, starting all over again isn’t really possible. I mean, knowing where you want to go and vividly having an idea of your desired next chapter allows you to plan your next steps based on what is still under your control. In the process of visualizing your desired new story plot, make sure you don’t limit yourself based on what you’ve been through or going through at present. Both will change, depending on the work you put in as you move forward. Explore possibilities. If nothing can stop you and everything is possible, how will your next chapter be like? Reflect. And make sure it’s one you truly like.

4. Dream big, start small

Don’t overwhelm yourself with the grandness of your desired next chapter. Chunk down your action plans into small steps. Be mindful about going at your own pace as you focus on your own goals and space. Also, know that your progress isn’t determined just by the steps you take forward, but rather, even as you pause or completely stop to reflect and recalibrate, you’re actually growing. So be kinder to yourself as you just do what you can with all that you have. That will always be more than enough.

5. Surround yourself with supportive people

Knowing that you are not alone in your journey can do wonders for you. Involve people who are closest to your heart in your journey and let them shower you with that much needed and deserved love and support when days seem tougher than usual. Celebrate with them your progress and allow them to inspire you as you move forward in life. You may want to document your journey as well and share it to the rest of the world, because for all you know, you are the inspiration someone, somewhere out there, needs at this point in time. You, moving on, has a purpose too.

To move on and start all over again is a matter of choice.
One that you truly deserve to give yourself.
And that starts by committing to starting all over again.
May this demarcate your Day 1.
