Fact: How you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you.
Indeed, it starts with you.
The amount of respect you give yourself shows others how much you value yourself and how you will not settle for anything less than you deserve.
It speaks of self-love and self-care through upholding what you think and feel is best for you.
Taking that into consideration, reflect: how much respect have you given yourself? How do you practice it?
Or should I rephrase that: do you give yourself the respect you deserve, at all?
But kidding aside, giving yourself the love, acceptance and respect you deserve, is fundamental if you want to grow and become your own #bestmeever .
But yes, I do acknowledge the fact that sometimes, when things go wrong as they sometimes will, beating yourself up seems to be far easier than holding your head up high.
But that’s definitely not the way to go honey.
Take this to heart: you are not defined by your failures or whatever it is that broke you.
You are defined by the choices you make after each and every fall, including respecting yourself no matter what.
A NO is a NO. And keep it that way. Don’t be pressured to go against your word by others. You know what’s best for you so trust yourself more. Remember: each time you keep your boundaries, you are showing others how much you respect yourself and the decisions you make. Let them adjust.
2. Honor your commitments
Keeping your word matters a lot, not only to yourself but to others who have trusted you too. Respecting yourself means not compromising your credibility and integrity, which definitely involves not breaking your promises. You are as good as your word, remember that always. Do your best always, with all that you can and all that you have, to honor them as you honor yourself.
3. Allow yourself to have some “ME time”
No, you can’t always perform at 100% or live life at your peak at all times. Don’t ever feel guilty as you take time to rest, reflect and recalibrate. You need and deserve this time off so you can fill your own cup and come from a space of overflow. Pause. Do what makes your heart sing. Be with people you love. Travel. Let yourself be. That is what respecting your needs and wants look like.
4. Make decisions for yourself
It’s your life. Your rules. Never let anyone else take over and invalidate what you believe is best for you. Stop doubting your ability to decide. You have what it takes to figure out what will work best for you. Respecting yourself means listening to your own intuition and not invalidating how you feel about a certain person or situation. You know what’s best for you. Keep it that way. And always take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
5. Invest on yourself and your growth
Respecting yourself means maximizing your potentials and becoming the person you’re meant to be. It means allowing yourself to work on your weaknesses as you amplify your strengths. It means facing and overcoming mistakes and failures and learning and growing from them by choice and by committing to yourself and your results more. It’s all about loving and appreciating yourself as you are as you work on what you can still be.
At the end of the day, you deserve the kind of respect you freely give to others.
Because much like everyone else, you matter.
Never forget that.