It’s not always about moving on and forward.
Yup, there are days when you should just let yourself be and accept things as they are.
Know that if nothing’s happening (or things aren’t going as planned), it doesn’t mean that you’re not growing so stop being anxious about it.
What is important to know is that whatever space you are in now, it’s exactly where you are meant to be, because that space will teach you something of value to your personal (or professional) growth.
Any form of resistance won’t do you any good. So open yourself up to possibilities instead: ask yourself what can be beautiful about the space I am in now? Start being intentional in looking for silver linings so that you get to accept and appreciate wherever you are as of the moment.
2. Appreciate your progress
Trust me, you wouldn’t feel stuck in the first place if you haven’t made any movement in your life at all. So take this time to give yourself a pat on the back and see how far you’ve gone. Assure yourself that you’re doing a good job. That will make the waiting game more bearable.
3. Know that this space of yours is temporary
If you take to heart that your situation can change any moment now, how will you handle it differently? So stop beating yourself up and just consider whatever it is you’re going through as a mere pitstop: it’s just preparing you as you recharge and recalibrate yourself to become fit enough to make it to the finish line: of becoming your own #bestmeever .
4. Do what you can
Your current space is not a hopeless one. Know that there will always be something there that you can control. Focus on that and do what you can as you give your all. That will always be more than enough, regardless of the result that you may get. At the end of the day, you (and your growth) will always be worth the try. It’s not about making huge milestones always– even the smallest steps matter. Don’t underestimate the power of sending just one email, reading a couple of pages of your book or even exercising for as little as 5 minutes a day — they can do wonders for you even during the most stressful situations.
5. Learn something new
Feeling stuck is a good sign to take a step back and assess what is it that you need to learn in your life now that will benefit you in the long run as you overcome this space of yours? Think about enhancing your skill sets or beefing up your resume with a new credential. Know that self-improvement was never dependent on the situation one’s in, but rather, it’s based on one’s choices.
So there. I hope these help you feel better while you bask in your current space.
Remember, it’s you won’t be staying there permanently so make the most of it.