I was recently asked an interesting question that made me reflect fully.
Allow me to share an excerpt of our conversation:
The person asked me: “Why do you do the things you do Coach?”
I answered: “Because I can and I loved them all too.”
Next question: “What if other people don’t support you?”
Me: “It’s ok. I don’t do it for them. I do it for myself. And for all those who believe in me.”
Every single day, we are given that chance to choose to pursue what makes our hearts skip a beat.
To go for what really makes us excited upon waking up.
To be the person that we are meant to be.
However, in order to make that choice, we must come from a very important space that we oftentimes forget:
To come from our authentic self.
Admittedly, this is easier said and done.
Because life happened.
Because things don’t always go as planned.
Because there will be people who will tell you that your dreams are not worth pursuing.
Because there will be others who will make you feel that you need to conform or that you’re not good enough.
Because there will be times when you will feel that you’re alone in your journey towards what makes you feel happy, complete and fulfilled.
But allow me to share with you one thing that I live by:
I always choose to be the person I am meant to be, my own #bestmeever, every single day, every single way, because it will always be worth it.
And to give you an idea what it looks like, here’s my own list:
a.) Me, as a Coach
I have always been a champion for diversity and inclusivity for as long as I can remember. I always believed that being a Unicorn – that being different, is meant to be celebrated. I coach because I want to help others embrace their authentic self, heal, grow and flourish into the person they’re meant to be.
And during my entire journey, I have heard people question my decisions, my coaching processes and the way I presented myself to the world as a Global Master Coach.
But guess what, my love for myself, the value I give to my clients and the numerous testimonials about how my clients have become in the process allowed me to push forward.
To continue owning my practice. To always come from a space of authenticity and integrity. To make sure that I always walk the talk, that I always ensure that I am able to celebrate with my coachees their wins, wherever they are in the world.
To coach with joy, love and a whole lot of sparkles. Always.
And by doing so, I know I inspire others to just be the coach (or whatever) they’re meant to be.
To not be afraid to speak up. To journey bravely independently as they find their people—those who will love and support them unconditionally along the way. Those who have the same wave length and vibrate the same frequency. You would know when everything, including the relationships become easy and struggle-free.
Because truth be told, the turning point in my coaching career was when I finally chose to believe in myself, create my own path and coaching style and let my results speak for my work.
And that wouldn’t have happened if I played it safe and stayed in my comfort zone.
But guess what, I am now enjoying the greatest gift of my practice: to be the coach of amazing Unicorns who are brave enough to sparkle uniquely on their own as they discover that the concept of tribe is never about having the same thoughts or being in the same physical space.
My Unicorn tribe thrives in the unique spaces we choose to own, worldwide.
Where others could just watch, but are too scared to follow.
And that makes it all the more special: when I am able to reach out to as many Unicorns world wide and defy boundaries of time, space and culture so that they can be their own #bestmeever .
2.) Me, as an Author
Even before becoming a life coach, I was already writing my own books. Why?
Because even back then, my main reason was to inspire. To change lives. To help others discover the best versions of themselves.
To be given a chance to be published locally and become a certified best seller is such an honor.
To launch my last two books internationally and earn the coveted orange certified best seller badge in Amazon is an icing on the cake.
While my books have gained prominence from all over and my best sellers have established me as a legit author, to be honest, it never crossed my mind to write a book just because I wanted to be famous.
I started writing when I was still in high school as part of the school paper. I became a contributing writer for a religious magazine and a travel magazine while I was working. Oh did I tell you that I wrote copy for some of the biggest local and international brands as a Creative Director during my advertising days?
Writing was never for publicity for me – it was my way to express myself. My passion. My calling.
It was my way to help inspire others to dream. To write their own books. To let their words be agents of change.
If I wanted to just be famous for writing, I could just have downloaded some free stuff from the internet, plagiarised a few and then repackage it as my own book and attach my name to it.
Market it and claim to be an expert of something I didn’t even write about.
That would have been the easier route. A route which others chose to take.
A route, not for me.
Because apart from authenticity, one thing that I am known for, is my integrity.
That is why when you open each and every page of my book you feel as if I am talking to you directly.
Because I took my time to write each and every book, with all that I have, and all that I am.
That is what writing from the heart and soul is all about.
And becoming the best author in the whole world was never my goal – just allowing myself to be my own #bestmeever so I can inspire others to do the same, is.
3.) Me, as a Speaker
I remember answering this question before: What is that one thing that you would like to do, for the rest of your life, over and over again, even if you are not paid?
I said, without batting an eyelash: “Speak To Inspire”
And so, I did.
I am beyond grateful to be given a chance to speak for numerous brands and organizations about coaching, life, love and everything else in between.
My heart is full for being given the once in a life time chance to live my dreams to be featured in the TED.com website as a speaker. I will always say that it’s a life changing experience for someone like me who just used to share TED videos to actually having 13 of my own, taken from my local and international stints.
Yes, TED does not pay its speakers. But it’s the premiere platform for ideas worth sharing globally and being given the chance to speak alongside industry experts and thought leaders and influencers is a dream come true. Even just getting in one, was a very big milestone in my life. Because getting in is not easy, which makes each and every stint worth it.
It gave me an opportunity to reach out to the global audience. And allowed me to connect with people of different races and inspire them to become their own #bestmeever .
Admittedly, having a lot of speaking engagements locally and internationally have given me the credibility as the speaker I always wanted to be. Pays good money too when taken in by huge brands and organizations.
But more than that, I value something else more:
To be trusted by people and organizations from all over the world to represent a voice that was not previously heard.
Every time I give a talk, I stand for all those who were too afraid to speak, to voice out their opinions, to show the rest of the world how their being different can actually inspire.
I stand and speak for all those who have taken a back seat because of the judgements, their gender, their culture, the trials which have gotten the best of them to allow them to realize that hey, I was in the same space as you are before.
And I will continue doing that, because I can.
4.) Me, as a Host / Subject Matter Expert
To be given multiple platforms across print, radio, TV and digital and allow me to inspire people to be their own #bestmeever is such an honor and privilege.
But it didn’t come easy. I had to work my way up.
Had to build my brand. Show my results. Inspire others to do the same.
Did it get into my head?
Because I saw it more as a responsibility. I owe it to all the people, media, brands and organizations which believed in me.
For me, it was never about being the best or the only authority there is.
It was more of embracing my best always, and allowing others to become authorities in their own way, their own space.
That is what being a true blue Unicorn is all about.
To allow others grow without a mould. To inspire and nurture them without a leash. To allow them to speak up and listen without fear or manipulation.
To let them be what they’re meant to be.
By setting an example.
And not allowing others to define what they can or cannot do.
After all, each one of us is an expert when it comes to our own life.
So never let others make you feel otherwise.
5.) Me, as an Entrepreneur
Interesting fact: I was never a business person to begin with.
But after running my own company for 13 years, and a few side other businesses, I learned an important lesson for would be entrepreneurs.
To be brave enough to start all over again.
To not be afraid to go against the books. To question authority.
Because the only way you will know whether your plan works or not is when you try it.
And nurturing a business is something which can’t be taught by text books alone, more so by people who don’t even have their own businesses.
Having a business and growing it is very experiential.
Not to mention a very humbling experience.
I have had some comments when I launched my coaching programs before that they were too expensive and that I was putting myself in a very dangerous situation.
Had I listened to those people, who don’t even have their own businesses, I wouldn’t have gotten to enjoy the consistent rewards of coming up with product offerings anchored on authenticity, integrity and value – three things which people consider when choosing the right business partner.
And yes, I successfully transitioned from being an advertising and marketing executive to a full time professional coach with high value programs because again, I listened to myself
more and took responsibility for my actions, which were not grounded on the validation from others, but rather, on my own.
Bottomline is: you do you.
You can’t please everyone.
Others will question your motives and your style.
They will make you feel that you’re doing something wrong and that it won’t work.
But guess what, based on my experience, it will.
If you choose to come from your heart.
If you choose to listen to yourself.
If you choose to go outside your comfort zone and meet other like minded people to journey with you instead of merely settling.
Remember that even before I became the person that I am now, I was just very much like you.
I had dreams.
But I made one important life changing choice.
To be my #bestmeever and create my own path and claim my own destiny.
Regardless of what others have to say or what life might throw at me.
After all, others can only comment on things as they watched, not because they experienced it themselves.
So I kept going. And going. I pushed thru.
Until I fully became, by conscious every day choice, the person I am meant to be.
Uniquely, powerful in my own way.
My #bestmeever.
May your new journey re-direct you to where you’re meant to be.