It’s more than just a very long vacation.

The Holy Week for Catholics, like myself, that is.

More than the planned (or unplanned) trips and getaways here and there, the Holy Week actually presents a beautiful opportunity to reflect and recalibrate, as you do away with things (and people) that stress you or make you feel burned out.

For some, it’s a time to relieve beautiful family traditions as they visit numerous churches and attend various religious gatherings. For others, it’s the perfect time to do spring cleaning and decluttering their lives in general.

For me, this year, I have decided to spend it reflecting as I fully recharge at home so that I will be ready in the weeks to come, based on my full schedule and a number of deliverables. I see it as a beautiful time to inquire within and realize the space I am in so that I may stay empowered and inspired to do all things that make my heart and soul genuinely happy.

Allow me to share with you the 5 questions you can reflect on this Holy Week, to make it even more meaningful and rewarding:

1.) Where am I now at this point in my life?

I love this question. It helps me identify the exact space I am in. What I do is scan all aspects of my life e.g. relationships, career, passion, financial, dreams etc. and honestly identify how I feel about them and acknowledge how far I have gone in the process. I allow myself to celebrate my progress while identifying what beautiful improvements I can still make as I journey towards my own #bestmeever . Having a clear picture of your starting point allows you to ground yourself and accept the space you’re in, both of which essential to your own growth.

2.) What changes do I want in my life?

There’s nothing wrong with wanting more or being more. Take time to reflect and recognize what are the things that you want to experience in your space differently. Identify the things that can make you happier and list them down. Justify why they are essential to your life now and note how they can change you for the better. Remember: change is inevitable and growth is a matter of choice, so make sure you consistently focus on your self-improvement as you embrace change whole heartedly.

3.) What is no longer working for me?

Sometimes you out grow people, things, your environment and situations. And that’s perfectly ok. So now, assessing the space you’re in: what no longer sparks joy or no longer adds value or inspiration? By recognizing what no longer works for you, allows you to clear the space it occupies as you make room for new, beautiful and relevant things (or people) to come into your life.

4.) What can I do now that’s under my control?

Fact: you can’t control everything around you. And that’s ok. What must you focus on now (after knowing all the things that make you happy and the things that no longer work for you) that’s under your control? What must you let go of to make room for new and better experiences? What can you start in your own way now? What must you initially park? It’s all about decluttering your life and identifying your priorities and working on them.

5.) How can I commit to myself and my plans better?

Having a solid plan can only take you so far in your journey. Commitment is key. Give yourself a definite deadline with expected milestones so that you can be guided accordingly. You already know your “what”, “why” and “how”…it’s now time to ask yourself “when” you intend to turn all your plans to reality. Yes, you are in control.

I hope these questions help you gain clarity during the Holy Week.

As you make long lasting, beautiful changes in your life there after.

As a whole, 2021 was a learning experience for me.

And that’s an understatement.

I mean I can’t say that it was a really awesome year because hey, the pandemic has taken a toll on all of us (mental health, relationships, business among others) and it’s not really easy for a travel bug like me to be oftentimes stuck at home because of travel restrictions during the lockdown.

On the other hand though, I am extremely grateful because to date, I am able to remain healthy and genuinely happy in my space and I am still blessed with a whole lot of opportunities to grow both on a personal and professional note. Taking these in consideration, I would say that 2021 was not that bad either.

Candidly speaking after seeing the big picture both ways, I totally believe that it taught me a whole lot of important life lessons which I need to take to heart as the new year approaches. I think they will all be quite useful as I (and you guys reading this) make our new year’s resolutions.

Allow me to share with you the 21 life lessons I learned in 2021 as we welcome the new year ahead:

  1. No matter what happens around me that is beyond my control, I can always choose how to react towards each.
  2. Tragedies and desperate situations bring out the best and worst in people. However, please take note that whatever comes out, is still a matter of choice.
  3. At times, pausing with one’s routine can make way for bigger progress , rather than forcing yourself into it.
  4. No matter how good you are or how pure your intentions are, there will always be people who will mock you and try to pull you down. Don’t ever let them dim your light. That’s how they react when blinded by their own pains and insecurities.
  5. Your personal pains and problems do not grant you the right to hurt other people just because you experienced the same before. That’s revenging on the innocent.
  6. Doing one small thing that leads you closer to your goals will always be better than just planning for bigger ones.
  7. You are free to celebrate yourself, your wins and your milestones, regardless of how people may react towards them. It’s all about you and they’re merely spectators to your growth. Consider it not as arrogance on your end but rather jealousy from theirs, as long as your intentions are clear.
  8. People will want to invest in you as much as you invest on yourself, your well-being and your growth.
  9. It’s not your environment or the situation you’re in that limits your growth; it’s your mindset and heart set.
  10. You don’t owe anyone any explanation each and every time you walk away from a toxic relationship or a space that does not bring out the best in you.
  11. You cannot blame others for situations you have caused yourself.
  12. There are no right or wrong decisions as long as you take responsibility for them because either way, you learn when you make yourself accountable.
  13. Never let money (or your issues about it) taint your reputation because it’s priceless to begin with.
  14. Admitting you’re not ok is one thing; doing something about it is another. It’s all about reaching out to the right people with full vulnerability and humility. You owe that to yourself.
  15. 3P’s that determine your progress during trying times: Patience, perseverance and passion.
  16. You spend the same amount of effort in worrying and acting on things: the first one gives you more problems to resolve, the second one, a solution to what you were complaining about.
  17. Keeping your word allows you to keep your integrity and credibility intact.
  18. Always be open about how you feel. You may not have that opportunity to share what’s inside the next time around.
  19. If you really want something, you will do anything and everything to make it happen. Your excuses represent your level of interest.
  20. Everything else becomes a little more difficult when you’re not healthy so treat your health and well-being more importantly
  21. Today is the best time to try. Tomorrow is the perfect excuse to try harder again if needed.

So there you go, I hope these life lessons help you in your personal journey towards becoming your own #bestmeever this coming 2022.

I look forward to journeying with you all and celebrating you and your growth along the way.

Thank you 2021 for the life lessons.

Happy New Year guys!

2022, we are ready.
