It’s not always about you.
Because the world does not revolve around you.
Admittedly at times we tend to stress a lot when things don’t work out even if we have already done our best which leads us to become a little too sensitive for comfort.
Even well-meant feedbacks are taken like daggers because they hurt just as much.
However, we must take in consideration that it’s part of growing. Without feedback, whether good or bad, you wouldn’t know how else you can improve. And that can lead you to feeling stuck and unhappy if you continuously block what’s actually good for you and your growth.
Easier said than done, I know.
We always take pride in ourselves and our work because that’s what we are supposed to do: to love ourselves whole and embrace ourselves fully.
And, what’s missing out though is that, unconditional love also requires full acceptance.
That we can’t be everyone’s cup of tea. And that’s perfectly fine.
So the big question is: how can you be comfortable with not taking things personally?
You know yourself better than anyone else. And every other person will have a different perception about you and what you’ve done. However, not everything that you hear is grounded on hard facts. Holding on to assumptions or opinions won’t ever get you the results you want. You will only confuse yourself more. Seek out an expert who can tell you objectively what you really need to hear. In the process of doing so, just keep your cool and park those opinions so they don’t block your logic as they play with your emotions.
2. It’s not about you, really
I said it before and I will say it again: it’s not always about you. People see you through their own lens of experiences. And those are definitely different than yours. So take to heart that their perceptions about you are coming from their own judgments which do not necessarily reflect your truth. So let them go.
3. Feedback is good
If you knew that it’s for your own good, something which can help you become your own #bestmeever , will you still be resistant to it? Take feedback as something for your consideration as you improve yourself along the way. You need not take them all to heart, learn how to discern what’s good for you. Take note though that you can only do that if you’re receptive to receiving them at first.
4. It’s still your call
Don’t let the words of others cripple you. You have the power to accept them or reject them. You just have to come from a space of authenticity and worthiness to be able to stand up for what you truly believe in. And trust me, you can. So stop stressing about what others have to say about you, because you are still in control of yourself.
5. You’ve proven yourself time and again
You making it this far speaks about what you’re made of and how far you can still go. If you have proven nay sayers time and again that they’re wrong, then why worry now? You have done it before. You can always do it again and again until they stop and accept that you will always be amazing beyond words.
After reading all these, I hope that you learn to not to take things personally.
Remember: you will always be more than what others have to say about you.
Keep shining.