The only limitations that we have are the ones we put (and allow) on ourselves.
Come to think of it, that’s quite true.
Know that the life that we have, is not a result entirely of everything that happened to us.
Rather, it’s a result of how we chose to respond or react to all our experiences.
Admittedly though, there will be times when life seems unfair and at times it will throw us a curve ball that will make us feel overwhelmed and go off-track.
It is during those times that we feel stuck, lost and unproductive, thinking that progress is no where in sight and that it was the rest of the world’s fault, and never ours.
However, truth be told, we have everything it takes to keep going. To keep moving on and forward.
1.) Face your fears
Think about this: what can be the worst thing that can happen if you actually face whatever scares you most? And what’s the best thing that can happen if you do? Remember, the only way you can validate if one thing that scares you is really true or not is when you actually try and take that risk. And more often than not, you’ll find yourself thinking why you haven’t done it before, there after simply because whatever lies beyond fear has something to do with your growth.
2.) Remember your past successes
You’ve done it before. Whether it’s embarking on a new journey, starting all over again, having a new venture or overcoming obstacles, you have proven to yourself (and others) time and again that you have what it takes to really succeed. So trust yourself more and give yourself more credit when it comes to your ability to push forward. Your previous results can vouch for you.
3.) Do away with the distractions
I always share this to all my coachees and mentees: when it does not help you grow, let go. Simplify everything. Stop over thinking and just start focusing on what matters most: your happiness, your goals and your genuine fulfilment. Indulge guilt-free instead on self love and self care and always ensure that your whole well-being is at tip top shape, because at the end of the day, you have to focus on your most important investment in this journey: yourself.
4.) Be grateful for your progress
Every time you act in alignment with your greatest goals, whether it’s all about starting on a task, pausing to reflect or ending a toxic relationship that does not serve you well anymore…celebrate. Acknowledge that you are doing the best that you can with all that you have and that will always be more than enough.
5.) Surround yourself with inspiration
Whether you choose to embrace the love and support from your family and friends or take inspiration from random people, things and events in your every day life, what matters is that you keep each one in mind when the going gets tough. Hold on to your own “WHY” and always remember why you started. This will help you focus on the long and winding road ahead with a smile.
I hope these help you become unstoppable as you become the person you’re meant to be.
I am rooting for you.