It’s our new normal.
Working from home, that is.
I remember the days when I will tell people to not bring their work at home so that they can actually enjoy themselves as they recharge after a long day,
But now, that’s not exactly possible since most of us are forced to stay at home and work from there simply because the entire pandemic has caused this massive shift geared towards working remotely when physical offices are not operating as usual.
At a glance it may seem like the perfect set up, however, it comes with a price:
Home isn’t where work is supposed to be. Haha!
I mean this applies to all people who have gotten used to working in an office or even remotely (coffee shops, beach etc.).
Home is basically, a sacred space. Too sacred to share with work.
But hey, we have to make it work right?
Take it from me. It was such a big adjustment going virtual with my coaching, talks, hosting and workshops — all done at the comforts of my own home simply because it’s better to be safe than sorry at the end of the day.
It was a struggle for me because there were a lot of distractions at home to begin with: Netflix, my bed, my pets, family members when they’re around…and the list goes on. They all just make me want to rest and do nothing the whole day. Which obviously, can’t be the case.
But by being intentional about it, I found my groove to beat laziness and improve my productivity in the process.
1.) Be in the intentional zone
– This one is a must: being intentional about being productive. I always believed that when there’s a will, there’s a way…and that magic begins when you really put your mind and heart into it. In my case, what I did though was positive reinforcement: what will be the value if I was able to work productively in my new space? How will it help me grow? What can I learn from this? All the answers I came up with inspired me to take on this new challenge while feeling good about it instead of coming from a space of resistance.
2.) Set up a happy work station
– Operative word here is happy guys. You have to be inspired in your own space so make sure that you design it like the way you want it. For me, I have two work stations, one beside the window when it’s raining, surrounded with plants, so that I can be one with nature as I draw inspiration from them and the other one, right beside my bed where I am facing a bunch of Unicorn stuff given to me through the years by random people, to inspire me to keep going and sparkle along the way when the going gets tough. Oh, and comfortable seats and back support help a lot. And please make your space distraction free and have nice ample calming music and room scents to set the mood. Helps a lot really. Haha!
3.) Plot and follow a strategic schedule
– You don’t want to get burned out at home while working, believe me. So best if you can come up with a strategic schedule that will allow you to have balance in your life e.g. 8 hour work schedule with ample breaks in between. Hard stop at 6pm daily and no work related calls or emails to be entertained there after, unless life changing. Work only 5 days a week and then choose to do the things you love on off days. What the pandemic taught me: work can wait, but my life can’t. Work doesn’t have to be done all at once. You have a choice to manage it well.
4.) Maximize your breaks fully
– Yes, you are still entitled to that. So you can breathe now. Haha! Kidding aside, just be mindful about them. Discipline is key. Example: you can choose to play one quick game on your phone for 15 mins then go back to work. Or have an amazing lunch by cooking what you love best. You can even spend it walking around and reflecting to clear your mind so that when you work once more on the tasks on hand you’ll be totally refreshed. Keep doing what you love in between and learn how to shift your attention accordingly to what is on schedule.
5.) Reward yourself at the end of each day
– What little surprise can you give yourself after work? A long hot bath? A nice dessert? Popcorn with your favorite movie? A massage? Remember that self-care is important when you want to be productive at home. You deserve to pamper yourself so make it a point to have something to look forward to at the end of each day. That will keep you going as you recharge and recalibrate for the days ahead.
At the end of the day guys, it’s all up to you on how you intend to make your current space (and routines) work for you. Being productive is a matter of choice so make sure to take that to heart at all times so that you still get the desired results you want, wherever you are at present..
Productivity isn’t about the amount of work accomplished — it’s about how you learned and grew while trying to make things work for you in your space, at your own pace.
So big or small, celebrate those milestones because they are part of your journey towards your own #bestmeever .