Imperfectly Fine: Why It’s Ok Not To Have It All

Written by: 
Myke Celis

You can’t have it all.
Otherwise, you’ll be perfect. And that’s not possible.

Because nobody is.

And yes, that’s pretty much ok.

Hey, don’t get me wrong: you can always aspire for more.

No one is stopping you from dreaming bigger or achieving more.

You deserve that.

What I am trying to say is that it’s ok if you don’t get exactly what you want.

May it be winning in a competition.

The promotion you worked hard for.

The trip that got cancelled.

The person you were pursuing.

The relationship that you lost.

And whatever else that may have cause you pain and suffering.

Take this time to assess: what is it that’s burdening you as of the moment? How are you dealing with it?

Whatever it may be, no matter how heavy it may seem, please do me a favor: promise me you’ll be kinder to yourself.

Promise me that you will stop blaming yourself for what happened.

That you will stop thinking of yourself negatively.

That you won’t give up on yourself.

Do it not only for me, but for youself because you are worthy of second chances amidst all the craziness surrounding you.

A second, third, fourth or no matter how many it takes.

Your imperfections don’t make you insignificant.

It does not make you less of a person.

It makes you human.

And they humble you in the process of maximizing what you have so you can become what you’re meant to be.

It’s all about learning from your imperfections and the things that have gone wrong while working around them using the lessons you now have.

Never attach your happiness to things, people or situations that you feel will make your life perfect.

Your happiness is here and now. Within you, and whom you choose to be.

It does not come when things are perfect.

It comes when you are ready to embrace your reality and take up space as you are, no matter how imperfect the situation may seem.

Look around you. What do you need to be more mindful about? What can you appreciate more?

Look within you. What needs to change? How can you make that happen?

You are a work in progress. So are we. And that’s ok.

You may not have it all. And that’s fine.

Because all it takes is genuine appreciation for what you have and who you’re becoming as you journey towards your own #bestmeever .

Keep going. Keep growing.
In your own special, imperfect way.

Begin Your #bestmeever Journey.
