5 Ways To Turn Obligations To Inspiration

Written by: 
Myke Celis

I always say this to people who are forcing themselves in certain situations:
Don’t come from obligation. Come from inspiration.

Makes sense right?

I mean who wants to be merely forced to do things just because it’s their duty or that responsibility was bestowed upon them?

Whether it’s about being the eldest in the family to take care of all your siblings or the youngest who is expected to just listen and follow,

To being the breadwinner in the family,

to having a senior (or most junior) position at work where expectations and deliverables vary

among others.

Can you relate?

I guess the bigger question is: how much do you really like what you’re expected to do every single day based on the role you portray?

Let’s be honest. It can be quite hard at times.

Simply because as you try to live up to the expectations of others, you oftentimes put yourself and your needs last simply because you feel that you shouldn’t be a priority because work (or your role) calls.

Imagine the stress, the shame, and other negative emotions that are brought about by the pressure to conform and just deliver.

However, truth be told, forcing yourself won’t do you (or the relationship at stake) any good.

You’ll only end up hating yourself and the space you’re in, in the long run.

So the key here is to come from inspiration, as you fill in each responsibility or duty with new meaning to keep you going.

Here are 5 ways to turn your obligations into inspiration:

  1. See your responsibilities as opportunities for growth

As you challenge yourself by handling multiple tasks all at the same time, you allow yourself to learn and grow in the process. No matter how uncomfortable the situation may seem at first, by embracing it fully minus any form of resistance, you get to make the most of the journey as you become the person you’re meant to be: your own #bestmeever .

2. Take note of the lives you can change

You are perhaps the ray of hope everyone else around you needed at that time. Be that enabler of change. Know that the seeds you plant today may bring about that much needed growth and change you dreamed not only for others, but for yourself as well. It just had to start with you loving what you do.

3. You allow your relationships to bloom

Never underestimate your impact in the lives of others. By willingly helping out, you help build trust and establish stronger bonds with the people around you. This makes the journey easier when you allow them to support you as well to ensure that everyone is on the same page, with the same goal in mind so you never feel alone as you take the lead.

4. You get to recognize your own value

It could have been anyone else, but it was handed on to you. There’s a reason for everything and God does not give you any challenge that you can’t overcome. It’s been given to you because it’s meant to teach you beautiful lessons you need moving forward. You are the chosen one. You are good enough, worthy enough. Know that someday you will look back and realize why everything had to happen that way. Simply because, they were preparing you to become the person you’re meant to be.

5. You don’t end up having regrets

When you don’t like what you’re doing, you tend to complain left and right, oftentimes missing out on the important moments, milestones and lessons along the way. By loving what you do and being inspired by your own responsibilities, you get to maximize the space you’re in and look beyond desired results as you just focus on enjoying the journey while living fully. Don’t let your obligations stop you from making the most of this lifetime.

I hope after reading this, you have unburdened yourself from the responsibilities you may be carrying.
Use them as a springboard instead that will bring you closer to what you’re meant to be:
an amazing inspiration to everyone else around you.

Begin Your #bestmeever Journey.
