Life Changing.
The other day, I woke up being told that I made it at #38 among the Top 100 Life Coach Website, Blogs and Influencers in 2021 globally.
My heart is beyond grateful and I am so honored to be included in this list.
So I got a lot of congratulations and comments telling me that I was already successful and that all my hard work is finally paying off.
And getting all those made me think hard: was I really successful?
If you would define success as being a 6-7 digit professional coach, having multiple best selling books and global features and interviews, numerous highly happy and successful clients, having a number of brand collaborations and paid workshops and talks left and right, while having a solid growing number of followers and supporters, then I guess I would say yes, I am successful based on those standards, solely based on facts and with my humility in tact.
However, coming from a space of honesty, I defined my own success this way:
Being able to have the time and means to pursue my passion and live my dreams.
Because at the end of the day, my life isn’t about what I can do, or what I have or what I have achieved.
It’s about how much I have allowed myself to just be.
And mind you, the entire journey wasn’t easy.
Yup, what you see now is just the tip of the ice berg of how a successful life coach can be like.
But what is not seen at the onset is how I had to spend a number of sleepless nights and days just as long, just to work on my craft to be able to deliver my key results consistently as I help others become their own #bestmeever .
1.) Build your credentials
Always be hungry to learn more about your craft. Explore multiple disciplines. Never be resistant to something unfamiliar. Be humble enough to start from scratch. As for me, even as a Global Master Coach, to this day, I still continue to study and get certified by reputable coaching institutions as I work on my rank promotion in the International Coach Federation. Never feel bad when you invest in yourself and your dreams. Oh and yes, I still have my own Master Level Coach as I mentor other coaches, even at present. Choose your mentor well and be willing to invest on them. My mindset: mistakes are too expensive for me and I can’t afford them so I would rather invest wisely on myself and my growth and on my mentor whom I have seen deliver the results I want.
2.) Strengthen your credibility
Ok, being good at what you do is one thing. Letting others know that you are is another. How much time have you spent in establishing yourself as an authority in your space? Take time to give high-value talks, write articles, post consistently, and most importantly, practice and ensure that you are able to deliver expected results from a professional perspective. Don’t just settle on having a certification or title: your credibility must be supported by your own body of work and the results which you have consistently (and successfully) given.
3.) Don’t ever make money as the basis of your practice
Always remember your why. Don’t ever make a client’s ability to pay as the basis of your performance as a coach. Whether it’s a paying client or a pro bono thing, always give your best. Don’t shortchange yourself and the client. The key here is to be able to hone your skills and test your own coaching programs time and again so that you would know if its doing its work or if you’re really hitting the right market. Treat everyone as a beautiful investment. After all, seeing someone else grow is such a rewarding experience so just make life coaching as a lifestyle so that it comes out naturally and not based on anything monetary. Oh, and client testimonials are priceless and referrals from them can open even beautiful doors for you in the long run.
4.) Never let rejections dishearten you
Fact: you can’t please everyone and not everyone is meant to be your coachee. And guess what? That’s ok. Take each and every NO as an opportunity to start fresh. Don’t ever take rejections too hard. It’s not always about you. In my case, trust me, when I was starting, I have gotten a lot. And in my current space, till now, I still do. But I’ve realized that it’s ok and I always try to learn from the experience and grow from it there after. Remember, if I hadn’t experienced all those rejections before while growing up, there will be no #bestmeever : no global coaching platform, no best selling books, no TED talks , no brand collaborations, no international podcast — and the list goes on.
5.) Be willing to take risks
Don’t let your fears get in the way of your dreams. So if you really want to make it as a life coach, embrace the uncomfortable. Don’t overthink opportunities given to you, instead, just go for them and make sure that you maximize each one along the way. Stop trying to fit in a mold and just allow yourself to grow as you are. Become that beautiful disruption that you are meant to be. That was what really worked for me: to be a Unicorn among the life coaches from all over the world. In your case, what should you allow yourself to be? Remember that authenticity can do wonders for you, big time. You are worth that risk.
So there, I hope that wherever you are in your journey as a life coach, these tips will help you become more successful in the process.
Thank you for being part of mine.
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