Jul 22 2024

5 Things You Should Not Take For Granted

Written by: 
Myke Celis

Whatever you take for granted will be taken away from you.
This hits home.

Seriously. No one (and nothing actually) deserves to be taken for granted.

I mean, hear me on this: everything happens for a reason.

And everyone who comes into your life has a purpose to fulfill.

It may not be evident at first and at times we may even be resistant if things don’t go as planned.

However, it is important to always keep our faith intact and to trust the process (and ourselves) accordingly.

Because only then we will get to discover the silver linings in each and every experience we have.

Given that, I want you to take this time first to be one with your surrounding.

What experiences do you have at present?

Who are in your circle?

What changes have you embraced?

Being mindful about your life at the moment allows you to recognize everything that has brought you to where you are at present and the purpose each one serves.

This teaches us to see each and every event, person, thing or space through the lens of gratitude, which can help us amplify what we want more of in life as we approach seemingly difficult situations with the least (or no) resistance.

There is so much beauty and power when you appreciate life as is.

And to give you a head start, here are 5 things you should not take for granted in your life.

  1. Your overall health and wellbeing

As the saying goes, health is wealth. And this holds so much truth. It’s very important to always prioritize your over all health and wellbeing. That simply means indulging in regular self-care, surrounding yourself with people who are good for you, giving yourself what is due as you invest on yourself and your growth without feeling guilty. Think about this: if you can’t really do much if you’re bedridden, unhappy or totally stressed in your space so make sure that you don’t set aside your health and wellbeing for the sake of your work or just to please others. It’s definitely not worth it.

2. Your genuine relationships

It’s quite rare that you meet people who really have your back through good times and bad times so when you have them in your space, treasure them. Family, friends or any loved one who fall in this category deserve your 100% commitment, as you nurture your relationship with each one of them. Ensure that you always find time to check on each one of them, address any issue that may arise coming from a space of love and respect and celebrate them and the relationship that you have every single day, in all possible ways. Not everyone is qualified to take their place so never make them feel neglected.

3. Your talents and skills

You are the best investment you can ever make. So always take time to recognize your strengths, skills and talents that set you apart from the rest and nurture them. Take time to practice daily and share your gifts to others. Don’t ever be overconfident about them that you just assume that you could always deliver what is expected from you. Be humble enough to realize that you, much like everyone else, has room for improvement and you can always upgrade and upskill as you journey towards your own #bestmeever .

4. The challenges along the way

I know. It’s quite hard to accept that life isn’t exactly smooth sailing at times. And more often than not, we try to brush things off that do not align with our plans or if they seem tougher to face than usual. But hey, I wanted to remind you that you should never set aside those because they carry with them the important lessons you need moving forward. Never let them invalidate your progress. Embrace them as they are. But learn how to look for the silver linings there after. They are just as valuable as any other milestone you will have during great days. Or even more actually.

5. The opportunities given to you

It’s true. Somewhere out there, someone wants to trade places with you because they see that you are so blessed in so many ways. So never take the opportunities given to you for granted. Whether it’s a new job, a second chance in life or love, or a chance to make a difference in the lives of others (or even in yours, as well), make the most of them. Give your best, with all that you have because truth be told, you can never be sure if you will be receiving the same favors in the future. You only have this lifetime to make the most of each and every opportunity to grow and be happy.

Hopefully after reading this you now see all the things, people and situations which fill your current space, in a different light.

Simply because, you also have a purpose to live alongside each one of them.
So never take them (or yourself) for granted.

Begin Your #bestmeever Journey.
