New year, new you.
How many times have you heard this?
Many I suppose. Year on year even.
There’s something about wanting to start the year right by turning a new leaf.
Quite timely and relevant if I may say.
I mean, after learning all the valuable lessons from the year that was, I am sure that when you take them to heart, you get to become your #bestmeever in the process.
Speaking of becoming better, the new year I believe is also the perfect time to explore and try out new things as you align yourself with what is dearly true to you.
So before even coming from a space of resistance or fear, try to consider this: you have nothing to lose but much to gain if you focus on (and commit to) improving yourself in the year to come.
Upskiling can do wonders for you, not only in terms of your career but also in terms of having personal fulfillment. Time to reflect: what skill do you need now that can allow you to upgrade your life? In my case, year on year, I try to get myself certified and trained for a new coaching discipline or any other complimentary skill that I can use in my coaching practice e.g. utilizing a new app etc. Whatever that may be, it’s never too late to learn it and use it moving forward. Just make sure you’re also interested in it and fully committed to the skill on hand so you don’t waste your time and effort.
2. A new hobby
Focusing too much on work can burn you out. Try to find a new hobby that you think you will truly enjoy and can help you decompress and relax amidst the your busy schedule. My suggestion: think of a hobby that can bring out your creativity. Or one that can help you earn money. Or even one that simply fills your heart with joy and fulfillment at the end of the day. It will be beautiful if you find all of those in one particular hobby. So whether that’s painting artworks or working out at the gym or even traveling, do what you feel your heart is telling you to do. It will lead you to what you truly need.
3. A new job
I have been out of the corporate setting for over 2 decades now so is resigning during December after getting the bonuses still a trend? Haha! Please enlighten me. But hey seriously, I think more than just getting the bonuses, I feel that the holidays have allowed people to reflect fully on what truly matters to them and what job makes their heart skip a beat. I will say this again: it’s never too late to start all over again and pursue a career that you find most meaningful. I mean, look at me: I traded my corporate hat before as a marketing and advertising executive to become a full-time professional coach. I mean admittedly the entire journey wasn’t a walk in the park but hey, looking back, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made because I get to do what I love most, have time and location freedom and feel genuinely happy and fulfilled as I change lives of others on a daily basis. So yeah, maybe this is the sign you’re looking for to finally give your CV a much-needed update and boost.
4. A new relationship
Ok, before you raise an eyebrow, it’s not just really about a romantic relationship. But hey, no one’s stopping you though if that’s what you truly want and you’re really ready to have one. A new relationship here can mean redefining your current one, whether it’s on a romantic, familial or work note. It can even refer to the one you have with yourself. The key here is to reflect on this question: what can make my relationship better? Answer honestly and give yourself whatever it is you need there after simply because, you deserve to grow in harmony with all the relationships you choose to keep.
5. A new mindset
“Whether you’re wrong or right, if you believe it, you’re right.” Can’t agree more. The new year presents a beautiful opportunity to check on your belief systems that no longer work for you or your mental patterns that hold you back. Allow yourself to come from a space of honesty and vulnerability so you can fully identify and address your mindset concerns. Consider the new year as a fresh start. However, mind you though: changing your mindset does not have to be scheduled during the new year alone – it’s actually a continuous process all year round and beyond. The key here is just to allow yourself to finally start seeing (and doing) things differently so you can have a different set of results too in your life.
Wishing you the best in 2025 and looking forward to seeing the new you!