Feb 18 2021

5 C’s To Remember When Choosing Your Coach

Written by: 
Myke Celis

as published in MarketingInAsia.com

So finally you’re ready to get your own coach!

To invest in yourself.

In your happiness and growth.

To become the person you’re meant to be.

Your own #bestmeever .

I am very excited for you in your journey.

Allow me to share with you some of the things you should consider when you engage the services of a Coach. This is to ensure that you get the most of your investment and you get the results you want and deserve.

Just so you know, before I became the Global Master Coach that I am now coaching celebrities, top executives and highly successful people world wide, I also invested in my coaches. Time, money (swear, huge sums!), effort, and a whole lot of commitment and love.

And to this day, I still have my own coaches supporting me while #unicorning in my personal journey.

Because learning (and growing) should be a continuous process. And I believe in paying premium for quality. I didn’t want to short change myself (nor my clients!). No regrets when I started embarking (and investing) in my own journey towards my #bestmeever .

So yeah, are you excited to embark in yours?

Here are the 5 C’s to consider when getting your own coach:


Coaching deals with human life. One wrong processing and it can create havoc altogether. So please be mindful in getting a coach who is highly equipped in his practice. Find out if the person is certified and trained by a LEGIT coaching organization /academy, what are his affiliations (example: International Coach Federation (ICF) etc.) ? Check on the institutes they graduated from, the quality of the graduates, their rank as a coach, their affiliations and their professional track record.

Let’s be honest, nowadays, it’s easy to get a certification to be a life coach (or whatever type of coach) online. Not to mention very cheap too. But what differentiates coaches is their actual practice after getting certified: how long have they been doing it PROFESSIONALLY (meaning they’re paid to coach people) and what are the results they are producing for their clients.

At the end of the day, know that certifications (whether local or international) are just the “entry points”. The real deal is when all theories in paper are put to powerful practice accordingly and whatever title given is justified fully based on results.


Thank God for Google.

Research about your prospective coach. Check on his/her clients.

Are there note worthy testimonials from actual paying clients who got the results they wanted?

Has he/she been featured as a subject matter expert in the industry? Does he get interviewed by media across various platforms and is considered as a thought leader in his practice? What exceptional achievements prove that he is actually thriving in his practice? Does he create his own ground breaking content? Is his practice strategically focused?

Get a coach who walks the talk. And leaves a trail of amazing results wherever he goes.


Personal growth is not a one time, big time thing. It’s a continuous journey. Find yourself a coach who is willing to journey with you through thick and thin. Someone who won’t give up on you even if you are at the brink of doing so. Find someone who will go the extra mile so you can become your own #bestmeever .

Through ups and downs, your coach must always be around.

And that takes genuine love for what he/she does and towards the client as well. Yup, this can’t be faked.


Choose a coach whom you can TRUST fully. It’s 100% or nothing my dear. You have to be comfortable with the person enough for you to fully disclose even the most uncomfortable things to discuss so that he/she will be able to help you process them fully and clearly.

Find a coach whose heart beats in unison with yours.

Chemistry sessions will allow you to get a feel of your prospective coach and see if there’s a match. If things don’t work out initially, it’s ok. Know that there’s a specific coach for a specific person. You just have to find that one who makes you feel at peace and inspires you to be your best.


Every client differs from one another. So coaching strategies will differ as well. Find someone who knows to adjust to your wants and needs.

Know that in coaching, the client should be in control. Because that will allow the client to take responsibility from within. It is the coach’s job to bring that version out.

Ask about his methods, his programs, his expertise and self-made tool kits. See if his coaching pathway is in harmony with yours. Remember that coaching is not exactly a one-size fits all deal.

So there. I hope these help.

You are the best investment you can make.

So make sure that your coach can make results happen for you, with your commitment and action as well, exponentially.

Choose well.

Excited to embark on your personal journey? Let’s journey together when you book me via calendly.com/coach-myke-celis .

Begin Your #bestmeever Journey.
